Stewart and Russ didnt have a rough trip into the void or whatever is next
Violence is way down in Sonora
Sonora and Arizona economy booming
Gas just cost me $2.80
Thanksgiving meal price drops !
Summer hail storm destroyed roof but USAA to the rescue
Still hiking and kayaking but this is beyond me !
Violence is way down in Sonora
Sonora and Arizona economy booming
Gas just cost me $2.80
Thanksgiving meal price drops !

Arizona Thanksgiving meal cost down 28% as turkey prices decrease
Arizona consumers faced “historically high” prices for their Thanksgiving meal ingredients in 2022.

Summer hail storm destroyed roof but USAA to the rescue
Still hiking and kayaking but this is beyond me !
Upper Rio Bavispe, Sonora Mexico
Our first river south of the border for 2013 was the upper Rio Bavispe. This reportedly is a Class III-IV run with one Class IV that may be difficult for large rafts due to narrow passage. As the canyon is supposed to be beautiful, it sounded good to us - if we had water. The