Small boat cruising Sea of Cortez story


I learned how to wash in a bucket from Meixcan friends and if you wanna fit it you should do it too.


I have a friend in Corrales NM, named Pete. Originally from Massachusettes and an ocean goin family. He ended up in New Mexico but spent a lot of time living on and cruising the sea of Cortez in a wood sailboat. This would have been the late 50's early 60's. Said he recalled visiting Penasco. Sailed out of Guaymus mostly snd over to the Baja. The wooden boat got wormy so he decided to build his own steel hull sailer. He was working on it back in the 70's when I first met him. Worked along with him on a couple of occasions. Pete's gotta be close to 90 now and will certainly never finish it. Sad. It's quite a sight when out of towners drive by his house and see this 30+ ft steel hulled ship parked there.


I learned how to wash in a bucket from Meixcan friends and if you wanna fit it you should do it too.
Hey, you and your friends can wash in a bucket together if you want to:party:, but three would be just a little to crowded for this kid.


I have a friend in Corrales NM, named Pete. Originally from Massachusettes and an ocean goin family. He ended up in New Mexico but spent a lot of time living on and cruising the sea of Cortez in a wood sailboat. This would have been the late 50's early 60's. Said he recalled visiting Penasco. Sailed out of Guaymus mostly snd over to the Baja. The wooden boat got wormy so he decided to build his own steel hull sailer. He was working on it back in the 70's when I first met him. Worked along with him on a couple of occasions. Pete's gotta be close to 90 now and will certainly never finish it. Sad. It's quite a sight when out of towners drive by his house and see this 30+ ft steel hulled ship parked there.
Was that in Corrales Roberto? Wish I'd seen it.


Roberto i was checking out the new Mercedes Sprinters in Tucson at the home show...still no 4wd.......


Roberto i was checking out the new Mercedes Sprinters in Tucson at the home show...still no 4wd.......
None of the manufacturer's are going or it. I like the Gulfstream G 24 made 2004 2008 or so. Not sure if you can import a 4x4, but they have them in Europe apparently. They are way out of my price range at this point.


You can find Invermec Falcon units and similar , 1987 to 1995 around $10K, some with a low 50K miles. Just viewed an 87 with 33K miles for under $10K and recently refurbished inside. They are ugly but won't attract a lot of attention like a Mercedes would. I'll put Bimbo Bread decals all over it!


From the story..pretty good
"One of my boating friends left their very expensive dinghy in the water at night in a crowded anchorage; it was gone the next morning. In hopes of getting it back, they announced several times on VHF radio Channel 16 that they were offering a $5,000 reward for its return -- no questions asked. Did it work? Although there had never been a single dinghy theft in that anchorage before, the next night six more dinghies were stolen".