It.s next to impossible to get permits in Mexico for small desalinators (home use) that suck water from the ocean. I'm not saying people don't do it here, but it is always done without permit's. It was explained to me that if you are in an area without to much water movement like Playa Lopez, the returned water (for every gallon of fresh water you make it takes about 3 gallons of sea water) so you are returning 2 gallons to the sea, but now with all the salt from the gallon you made fresh. The 2 gallons you are returning is now super heavy with salts and instead of mixing with the sea water it sinks and starts to kill what ever it comes in contact with. We put one on a boat made by U.S. Watermaker yhe water goes in at approx. 35000 ppm salts and was coming out at 75ppm salts, so it really worked. My tap water in Maricopa was 450 ppm. It made 1 gallon for every 3 you pushed thru it. It was 2500.00 for a 500 gallon a day unit, complete