Singer Jenni Rivera's Plane Missing


Theyre saying those pix are false. CNN and reputable Mexican news outlets are saying the plane still has not been found.


They finally found the plane. They said there's nothing material or human even recognizable. RIP Jenni Rivera. I wasn't a huge fan of her music, but it's still sad.

Mexico Joe

Cholla Bay 4 Life
The pilot was 78!

The pilot was 78, the same plane had been damaged in a run way crash in I believe it said 2005, the owner of the company based out of Las Vegas has had multiple run ins with the law including a narcotics violation for cocaine, another one of the company planes was seized by the DEA in 2010.

:jerry2: Not a Mexican Flag but a RED FLAG if you ask me. :eek:strich:

GV Jack

Snorin God
There had to be a catastrophic failure of some sort. Somehow, the report stated that the plane did a sharp straight dive from 28,000 ft.

If there was a seal break, causing a loss of oxygen the pilot could have passed out, if not on auto pilot, the plane would go pretty much straight down.
I doubt there was a lack of fuel, because there would be warnings and the pilot would have contacted someone of an emergency. Another option is fuel that
was either accidenlty or purposely contaminated. There was no indication of a fire in the write-ups but that doesn't mean there wasn't one.

Regardless, it was a tragedy and my prayers go out to all the victems and the families of all involved.