Good Sane Advice ! ! !
Our family is very excited about the move. My wife, Maria, is from the Aconchi area (along Rio Sonora) and she has not been able to see them for six years. Living on the beach again has been a goal for some time, so we are looking at the move as the reward for a ton of sacrifice.
Our daughter, Sonia, is about to finish her 2nd year of Pre-K, and we are looking for a good place for her to grow. We would like to find a school that is split between english and spanish. Do any of you have any ideas?
Thank You!
~ ~ ~ Don't handicap your kids,! ! ! ~ ~ ~
``` "My daughter is 5, and son is 3"
``` "Good place for her to grow"
``` "Something that will be great for our children"
~ ~ ~ Puerto Penasco is NOT the place ! ! !
~ ~ ~ You need to provide your children with an education that will allow them to be self-sustaining in the 21st century.
~ ~ ~ Students become adequately educated citizens when they are at least proficient in the English language, mathematics, science, health, personal finance, use of computers, cultural history, and civics and they have demonstrated the ability to think critically.
~ ~ ~ To provide that you MUST keep them in the USA for their education and well being,``` if you do not provide this, as american citizen's, ( I assume they are ? ) they deserve nothing less, ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ Then you run the risk of them, ( & rightfully so ) holding it against you forever,
~ ~ ~ Penasco is NOT the place, ~ ~ ~ not in this day & age ! ! !
~ ~ ~ Good buddy, this is some good, sane advice ~ ~ ~ Don't handicap, & stop your kids before they even get started, ~ ~ ~