Roofing marvel

In Phoenix I have been applying a new product to flat and foam roofs that so far appears to be revolutionary. You can now purchase 100% silicone white roof coating at a roofing supply house or even at Home Depot. We apply two coats via a roller on successive days and the results have been better that expected. The coating forms a rubber surface that so far is impenetrable. I have fixed several problems on roofs and will be applying the silicone to my roof in Miramar this weekend.
This product costs about 2.5 times what you might pay for good elastomeric but in my judgment it is well worth the money, I have even seen a client coat their old shingle roof with this product with positive results.
Today at HD the cost is about $260 for a five gallon bucket. I have found this product for less at a roofing supply house and if you were planning on a large job it would be wise to shop around.
In Phoenix I have been applying a new product to flat and foam roofs that so far appears to be revolutionary. You can now purchase 100% silicone white roof coating at a roofing supply house or even at Home Depot. We apply two coats via a roller on successive days and the results have been better that expected. The coating forms a rubber surface that so far is impenetrable. I have fixed several problems on roofs and will be applying the silicone to my roof in Miramar this weekend.
This product costs about 2.5 times what you might pay for good elastomeric but in my judgment it is well worth the money, I have even seen a client coat their old shingle roof with this product with positive results.
Today at HD the cost is about $260 for a five gallon bucket. I have found this product for less at a roofing supply house and if you were planning on a large job it would be wise to shop around.
Dirtsurfer, Nice find,
It does seem to be a lot better than elastomeric, I am sure it will help somebody out with good reports on it.

I looked at that product to use on my Cholla houses but passed because of the price and no track record from anyone who used it.

As a less expensive alterative, here is how I re-did my roof in March.

I bought some black tar (equivalent to 711 roof cement) that comes in 5 gal buckets ($35 x 4) is sold in Penasco (Los Pinos has it)
along with a 40" wide rolled membrane material ($35 x 1 enough to do a 1200sf roof) and 5 gallon buckets of 7 year white elastomeric ($45 x 3)
We applied 1 heavy coat of black tar, laid the membrane onto the wet tar (with a 4" overlap), applied another black coat on top of the membrane, let it dry for 1-2 days
and topped it with 2 coats of white elastomeric.
I looked at a roof that was done 2 years ago with the tar method and it still looks great after 2 years, I was told it should last for 5-6 years before another
2 coats of white elastomeric is needed.
Total cost was $480, for materials, labor and lunches to do a 1200sf roof in RP.
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The silicone material so far has adhered very well to foam ( I only have one summer of experience with it) . I just put two coats on my built up roof in Miramar and will give a performance report. One thing I love this material for is the coating of parapet walls and the joints at the walls.
I am inquiring about coloring the silicone so I might use it for different purposes, for instance: outdoor drywall ceilings tend to absorb moisture and come apart. If the silicone will hold as it is applied to a ceiling or vertical wall it will prevent moisture from penetrating. If it can be colored it might be used for a wide variety of applications.


The silicone material so far has adhered very well to foam ( I only have one summer of experience with it) . I just put two coats on my built up roof in Miramar and will give a performance report. One thing I love this material for is the coating of parapet walls and the joints at the walls.
I am inquiring about coloring the silicone so I might use it for different purposes, for instance: outdoor drywall ceilings tend to absorb moisture and come apart. If the silicone will hold as it is applied to a ceiling or vertical wall it will prevent moisture from penetrating. If it can be colored it might be used for a wide variety of applications.
colored green it might be just the thing for my over the hill Incredible Hulk Halloween costume....
What's the brand name Southbeacher?
Dirtsurfer would know -- He's the one who discovered it (at Home Depot). I was just saying that, for years, we had been thinking that a silicone coating on the roof would surely be effective . . . and wondered why there wasn't such a product that could be easily applied to roof tops . . . Figured it would be a matter of time before one became available. Dirtsurfer just made it known that there now is.
HD sells two silicone products, both are advertised as "lifetime" but a lifetime in the Southwest is about three summers in my book. I have settled on the Henry's product.

I actually poured this silicone product through my scuppers in Miramar because there was a leak inside I had tried to fix for a few years but could not find and repair. So far I have success. I will post an update and report in a year.


Makes sense, nothing adheres to silicone. If the product failed at one point can you recoat with the same product and expect adhesion? Can't with silicone caulk.
and what a mess when the next owner does just that...or if a insurance repsir they just dont notice
J: you are correct. I have put up to 3 coats on top of each other. The jury is somewhat out but regular elastomeric seems like chalky, milky watered down paint compared to the silicone product.


El Pirata
We live in Scottsdale and have seen some ladies go from natural, to silicone, to saline, back to natural....and all in between.....
I've heard some will be styling some new Calibre 50'tas at the bike run, azbeachboy will be posting pics.