Lovin it in RP!
Traveling across the desert region
OK so we are all ready for CM 2016 and excited to go. Here’s a few things to remember before you even get here to Puerto Peñasco. We want you to enjoy your vacation and the vacation starts when you leave your home.
---------Make sure you have a lot of water in your vehicle----------
Entering Gila Bend.....the speed limit drops drastically from 65-45-35 as you approach Gila Bend on Hwy 85 South. On Thursday and Friday I can pretty much guarantee you will be greeted by at least one sheriff who would love to remind you of that fact. Just take the extra minute and go slow before you get to Gila Bend and save yourself a couple hundred bux.
Border checkpoints that aren’t on the border.....after Gila Bend and after Ajo there are two inspection points for Northbound travelers. This also affects you going south because the posted speed limit drops to 15 as you go through the area. The border patrol really doesn’t care too much but occasionally a Highway Patrolman will be measuring speed of oncoming traffic and in the name of protecting the inspectors he may ask you to slow down, well actually he will give you a ticket to help you remember.
Entering and leaving Ajo.....Fact: Ajo is a speed trap....period. Hwy 85 drops to 55 on the outskirts of Ajo and then does an amazing drop to 25 for the length of the town. They love giving tickets out if you are going even a few miles an hour over the limit, bite the bullet and save your money. It may make you insane to do 25 for a few miles but the opposite is not good either.
Leaving the USA and crossing into Mexico.....before you get to Mexico there is a stop sign for a cross walk. You should stop even if no one is there or you may be scolded by USA Border Patrol. They may have the USA Southbound inspection station open as they know that the Peacemakers are coming. It is a simple stop if it is open they may ask for ID’s Not passports just a driver license.
Coming into Mexico is usually a breeze. There is only one lane to cross through and there is a red or green light that your car will trigger. If you get the green proceed very slowly past the guards. If you get a red (probably) then turn left into the inspection station and let the guard look through your stuff. If you are bringing meat products is gone at this point. Massive amounts of alcohol is also prohibited. Massive amounts of cigarettes is also a no-no. The rule of thumb is if it looks like you are bringing stuff into Mexico to sell it, it will not make it past the guards.
The city of Sonoyta.....Just like Ajo this place can be a speed trap. Go slower than what feels natural even if the local cars are going around you like speed demons. If you are pulled over for speeding the right thing to do is to ask to go to the police station to pay your fine (if you were speeding) if you were not speeding and feel that it was a unfair pullover stand your ground, it’s easy to throw a 20 at it and keep moving but it is not the right thing to do. If you stand your ground it may take a few minutes but more times than not you will be on your way before you know it. I will provide phone numbers in another note that you can call if you feel hassled.
Shortcut alert for Sonoyta.....This may be something you already know, or it may be brand new information. After you come down the hill to the main highway (where the Circle K is) you make your left turn onto Highway 2, instead of going all the way to the intersection that turns south (where Vasquez liquors is) you can actually make a right turn just after you cross the bridge and that puts you on Septiembre 16 street which allows you to avoid a lot of in town traffic and speed bumps. Plus about 2/3 the way down the road on the right is a Pemex and a quick store if you need bathrooms or anything else. This is also a great way to come on your return trip.
OK a few last things and these are important. Do NOT drink and drive in Mexico....yeah yeah yeah it’s Mexico right? Don’t risk it! A night in jail and possible confiscation of your car and some serious hefty fines are on the plate if you do. The highway between Sonoyta and Puerto Peñasco is in decent shape as of this writing but I have noticed pot holes forming in certain sections. Be aware that these can blow out a tire if hit just right which could lead to an accident. It takes 1 hour to get from Sonoyta to Peñasco going the speed limit of around 60. You may get there faster by going 80 or 90 but there have been some nasty speed related accidents just in the last few weeks. Just because you are capable at driving does not mean everyone else on the road is. Be reasonable with your speed, don’t use your phone while driving and pay attention and everything will be fine.
I know - I know it’s like your dad telling you stuff you already know, but this is serious stuff. The weekend of Circus Mexicus should be filled with fun and music and being with your friends. It spoils it when you have problems or get hurt.
Be safe and have tons of fun on your upcoming trip to Mexico!
OK so we are all ready for CM 2016 and excited to go. Here’s a few things to remember before you even get here to Puerto Peñasco. We want you to enjoy your vacation and the vacation starts when you leave your home.
---------Make sure you have a lot of water in your vehicle----------
Entering Gila Bend.....the speed limit drops drastically from 65-45-35 as you approach Gila Bend on Hwy 85 South. On Thursday and Friday I can pretty much guarantee you will be greeted by at least one sheriff who would love to remind you of that fact. Just take the extra minute and go slow before you get to Gila Bend and save yourself a couple hundred bux.
Border checkpoints that aren’t on the border.....after Gila Bend and after Ajo there are two inspection points for Northbound travelers. This also affects you going south because the posted speed limit drops to 15 as you go through the area. The border patrol really doesn’t care too much but occasionally a Highway Patrolman will be measuring speed of oncoming traffic and in the name of protecting the inspectors he may ask you to slow down, well actually he will give you a ticket to help you remember.
Entering and leaving Ajo.....Fact: Ajo is a speed trap....period. Hwy 85 drops to 55 on the outskirts of Ajo and then does an amazing drop to 25 for the length of the town. They love giving tickets out if you are going even a few miles an hour over the limit, bite the bullet and save your money. It may make you insane to do 25 for a few miles but the opposite is not good either.
Leaving the USA and crossing into Mexico.....before you get to Mexico there is a stop sign for a cross walk. You should stop even if no one is there or you may be scolded by USA Border Patrol. They may have the USA Southbound inspection station open as they know that the Peacemakers are coming. It is a simple stop if it is open they may ask for ID’s Not passports just a driver license.
Coming into Mexico is usually a breeze. There is only one lane to cross through and there is a red or green light that your car will trigger. If you get the green proceed very slowly past the guards. If you get a red (probably) then turn left into the inspection station and let the guard look through your stuff. If you are bringing meat products is gone at this point. Massive amounts of alcohol is also prohibited. Massive amounts of cigarettes is also a no-no. The rule of thumb is if it looks like you are bringing stuff into Mexico to sell it, it will not make it past the guards.
The city of Sonoyta.....Just like Ajo this place can be a speed trap. Go slower than what feels natural even if the local cars are going around you like speed demons. If you are pulled over for speeding the right thing to do is to ask to go to the police station to pay your fine (if you were speeding) if you were not speeding and feel that it was a unfair pullover stand your ground, it’s easy to throw a 20 at it and keep moving but it is not the right thing to do. If you stand your ground it may take a few minutes but more times than not you will be on your way before you know it. I will provide phone numbers in another note that you can call if you feel hassled.
Shortcut alert for Sonoyta.....This may be something you already know, or it may be brand new information. After you come down the hill to the main highway (where the Circle K is) you make your left turn onto Highway 2, instead of going all the way to the intersection that turns south (where Vasquez liquors is) you can actually make a right turn just after you cross the bridge and that puts you on Septiembre 16 street which allows you to avoid a lot of in town traffic and speed bumps. Plus about 2/3 the way down the road on the right is a Pemex and a quick store if you need bathrooms or anything else. This is also a great way to come on your return trip.
OK a few last things and these are important. Do NOT drink and drive in Mexico....yeah yeah yeah it’s Mexico right? Don’t risk it! A night in jail and possible confiscation of your car and some serious hefty fines are on the plate if you do. The highway between Sonoyta and Puerto Peñasco is in decent shape as of this writing but I have noticed pot holes forming in certain sections. Be aware that these can blow out a tire if hit just right which could lead to an accident. It takes 1 hour to get from Sonoyta to Peñasco going the speed limit of around 60. You may get there faster by going 80 or 90 but there have been some nasty speed related accidents just in the last few weeks. Just because you are capable at driving does not mean everyone else on the road is. Be reasonable with your speed, don’t use your phone while driving and pay attention and everything will be fine.
I know - I know it’s like your dad telling you stuff you already know, but this is serious stuff. The weekend of Circus Mexicus should be filled with fun and music and being with your friends. It spoils it when you have problems or get hurt.
Be safe and have tons of fun on your upcoming trip to Mexico!