Quick and easy fish fillets.



I do a lot of the cooking at our house. In the summer time the mirowave is my friend because it doesn't add heat to the kitchen. Yesterday I thawed a couple of sea bass filllets. When they were thawed i patted them dry and lightly brushed them with mayonaise to seal in the moisture. I sprinkled them with some cajun seasoning. Then I dropped a couple of fruit and nut granola bars in the food processor and pulsed them a few times until they were well broken up. I rolled the fillets in granola until they were well coated. After that I put them on a plate and microwaved them on high for five minutes. Voila! I had a couple of granola encrusted fillets that were just as good as if I had baked them in the oven. They were crunchy on the outside and the meat was juicy. They were quick, easy and delicious. Next time I might try the same thing using any variety of nuts.


Robert you should have no problem finding just the variety of nuts on this Forum Thanks for the tip I may give it a try I like to coat salmon with mayo and mustard with a little lemon pepper wrap in foil and throw on the grill for 20 minutes a good side dish for this is to take zuccini and banna squash onion cut into bite size squares and 1/2 can of rottel or stewed tomatos sprinkle with rough ground pepper and wrap in foil and throw that on the grill also Very Tasty


I learned to use mayo on fish for baking, broiling and barbecue for fish when I was in Alaska more than 40 years ago. It seals the moisture in. A good barbecue sauce for fish is to mix a red hot sauce like Tepatio into mayo until it's a pink fish flesh color. Good looking besides great tasting. I suppose you could even use catsup if you didn't like the heat. You're right about the nuts. There's quite a variety here.
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