Hi gang,
As most of you know I am recovering fairly well. I am coming to PP on Wed. and am planning on staying 3 weeks as I finally retired after 34 years with the state. That was more than long enough! Anyway, my mom is bored and decided to come with me and stay a week. She'll be going home on the shuttle next Tuesday. We decided we could manage a potluck and want to know which night works best for you all, Sat. or Sun? Everyone on here is invited, as usual. Just bring a dish to share, drinks and a chair. I'll have plastic ware, paper plates and cups. And baked beans. Let me know which night..... I finally got a laptop so I will be connected in Mexico....... Can't wait to get there and am looking forward to seeing old friends and making new ones! 3 weeks in PP.......I can't believe it! And I can't hardly wait either! Oh, whoops, PDO north 40, space 367. Come on beachy, beachy, beachy!
As most of you know I am recovering fairly well. I am coming to PP on Wed. and am planning on staying 3 weeks as I finally retired after 34 years with the state. That was more than long enough! Anyway, my mom is bored and decided to come with me and stay a week. She'll be going home on the shuttle next Tuesday. We decided we could manage a potluck and want to know which night works best for you all, Sat. or Sun? Everyone on here is invited, as usual. Just bring a dish to share, drinks and a chair. I'll have plastic ware, paper plates and cups. And baked beans. Let me know which night..... I finally got a laptop so I will be connected in Mexico....... Can't wait to get there and am looking forward to seeing old friends and making new ones! 3 weeks in PP.......I can't believe it! And I can't hardly wait either! Oh, whoops, PDO north 40, space 367. Come on beachy, beachy, beachy!