Pole Cat Rescued...


"Pole Cat" Rescued from life threatening episode being stranded on top of street light...
Thanks Chari... if I wasn't able to get him down by climbing the ladder and grabbing it, I was going to use PLAN B.. :twisted:

PLAN B... Did you notice all the cardboard and firewood below him..? I was thinking I'd use it to light a bonfire and smoke him down... only joking :notme:


from the picture taken from the street it looks like the cat is realy up high in the post!! cool Mark, you the man!!!!
Boo was the reason the cat went up the pole... he tried to climb that block wall chasing after that cat... I've never seen a cat climb a steel pole before...
That's the same question I had. I figured the cat was pretty motivated to climb a steel pole. I am sure Boo just wanted to play.

Cholla Bay
That's right Rick... Harley (our other dog) is getting up there in age and doesn't move fast enough to play the way Boo wants to play, so Boo was just trying to make a new playmate...