Pigeon Coops ! ! ! <:-)


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~ ~ ~ Tomorrow, (Sunday) the 27th ~ ~ ~ APLHD the Animal Planet channel, 5:00pm,

~ ~ ~ Taking on Tyson show, ~ ~ ~ you will see ~ ~ ~ PIGEON COOPS ~ ~ ~ & PIGEONS ! ! ! :lol: :lol: :lol:

~ ~ ~ Just like in Penasco ! ! ! :lol: :lol: :lol: ~ ~ ~

~ ~ ~ I am the ~ ~ ~ GREAT HAPPY ~ ~ ~ :har:
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~~~FELIZ~~~ya me llego!! a partir de ahora en espanol y el que no sabe que se vaya a dar por el cul...pa de un mal entendido que a mi tia la Roberta la llamaron pu...blicaron en los diarios que a Luis por andar sin calzoncillos los mosquitos le picaron en el pi...can, pican los mosquitos, pican con gran dicimulo, unos pican en el cuello otros pican en el cul....
Oye, como tu sabes, los palomeros tambien me traen una ganancia, o sea que no me los asustes, tengo que alimentar a mi familia y ademas tengo una hija que ya esta pidiendo carro!! y quiere un Karman Ghia con todo nuevo y aire acondicionado!!!


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... coops are the down fall of PP... time will take care of that.
~ ~ ~ You know I said that from day one, ```when they put up the 1st coop ``` the Princesa,``` on a perfect day for fishing I had a good mexican friend of mine, ( very well known in town) ``` in the boat with me, & as we passed "pigeon coop beach" on our way to a spot 20 miles out of Pelican Point, ``` he said to me - - - - - - why don't you buy a couple of those "condos" now known as "coops" ```
I looked @ him & said, ``` amigo, my friend, what you are witnessing is the begining of the ```END``` of Penasco, ```
he looks @ me and says, amigo what do you mean ? this is good, ``` I said to him, you will see, you will see, my amigo, ```
``` BTW, we had a very good day of fishing as always, loaded up AGAIN ~ ~ ~

~~~ when I saw him for the last time, over a year ago, ~ ~ ~ he said to me, ~ ~ ~ amigo do you remember what you said to me that day 10 years ago when we went fishing,
~ ~ ~ I said to him, my mexican amigo, I remember very well, yes I do, ``` he then said to me, amigo you were rite ! ! ! it is a sad day,
~ ~ ~ and as we said good bye, ( for the last time ), he asks us, ``` when will you guys be back, so we can fish again,
``` and I said, amigo we will ```NOT ``` be back, ```& with a very sad face he said ```good bye ```

` ` ` And so with the boat hooked up behind us, ``` we left Penasco for the last time, ~ ~ ~
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Happy you make sense !! I saw the same thing in parts of the Philippines. In areas with five star resorts the locals didn't like Americans because the ones that work at those fancy resorts were treated with disrespect ! they ask why was i so different and nice to them ? I replied not all that come to your five star resorts are bad Americans BUT there is always a few that have a attitude there better then others because they have money and they think everyone else is below them. How people think there better then all around them is a mystery to me but you have read post here on this forum and know there here too. Actions and attitude from a few snob rude people effect us all !!! enough said !
~ ~ ~ You know I said that from day one, ```when they put up the 1st coop ``` the Princesa,``` on a perfect day for fishing I had a good mexican friend of mine, ( very well known in town) ``` in the boat with me, & as we passed "pigeon coop beach" on our way to a spot 20 miles out of Pelican Point, ``` he said to me - - - - - - why don't you buy a couple of those "condos" now known as "coops" ```
I looked @ him & said, ``` amigo, my friend, what you are witnessing is the begining of the ```END``` of Penasco, ```
he looks @ me and says, amigo what do you mean ? this is good, ``` I said to him, you will see, you will see, my amigo, ```
``` BTW, we had a very good day of fishing as always, loaded up AGAIN ~ ~ ~

~~~ when I saw him for the last time, over a year ago, ~ ~ ~ he said to me, ~ ~ ~ amigo do you remember what you said to me that day 10 years ago when we went fishing,
~ ~ ~ I said to him, my mexican amigo, I remember very well, yes I do, ``` he then said to me, amigo you were rite ! ! ! it is a sad day,
~ ~ ~ and as we said good bye, ( for the last time ), he asks us, ``` when will you guys be back, so we can fish again,
``` and I said, amigo we will ```NOT ``` be back, ```& with a very sad face he said ```good bye ```

` ` ` And so with the boat hooked up behind us, ``` we left Penasco for the last time, ~ ~ ~