~ ~ ~ You know I said that from day one, ```when they put up the 1st coop ``` the Princesa,``` on a perfect day for fishing I had a good mexican friend of mine, ( very well known in town) ``` in the boat with me, & as we passed "pigeon coop beach" on our way to a spot 20 miles out of Pelican Point, ``` he said to me - - - - - - why don't you buy a couple of those "condos" now known as "coops" ```
I looked @ him & said, ``` amigo, my friend, what you are witnessing is the begining of the ```END``` of Penasco, ```
he looks @ me and says, amigo what do you mean ? this is good, ``` I said to him, you will see, you will see, my amigo, ```
``` BTW, we had a very good day of fishing as always, loaded up AGAIN ~ ~ ~
~~~ when I saw him for the last time, over a year ago, ~ ~ ~ he said to me, ~ ~ ~ amigo do you remember what you said to me that day 10 years ago when we went fishing,
~ ~ ~ I said to him, my mexican amigo, I remember very well, yes I do, ``` he then said to me, amigo you were rite ! ! ! it is a sad day,
~ ~ ~ and as we said good bye, ( for the last time ), he asks us, ``` when will you guys be back, so we can fish again,
``` and I said, amigo we will ```NOT ``` be back, ```& with a very sad face he said ```good bye ```
` ` ` And so with the boat hooked up behind us, ``` we left Penasco for the last time, ~ ~ ~