Pangeros Fishing


Yesterday one could see a very large number of pangas out off the beach from Las Conchas. All along the horizon, very small so they were pretty far out, I mean a lot. They were too far out to get any clue as to how they were fishing. Anyone have an idea what the catch might be. guess I could head down when they come in and look.


Yesterday one could see a very large number of pangas out off the beach from Las Conchas. All along the horizon, very small so they were pretty far out, I mean a lot. They were too far out to get any clue as to how they were fishing. Anyone have an idea what the catch might be. guess I could head down when they come in and look.
Another hijacked thread.... Back to Roberto's questions above, does anyone have any knowledge of all the panga fisherman off of Las Conchas?
I'll be up next week so I'd be interested too since we'll be across the estuary at Play Encanto. My kayak can easily handle a 1-2 mile paddle out to get into some Sierra.


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Yesterday one could see a very large number of pangas out off the beach from Las Conchas. All along the horizon, very small so they were pretty far out, I mean a lot. They were too far out to get any clue as to how they were fishing. Anyone have an idea what the catch might be. guess I could head down when they come in and look.
~ ~ ~ I think that what you were looking @ was the 5-mile, ``` "on the horizon" ``` you will see the pangas lined up 10 - 20 @ a time, just like targets, ```when you see that, you know something is hitting, ``` when we were out & saw that, we'd get over there & get to catching, ```some sierra, but in most cases it was sea trout, good size rock bass, or chano, ```chano is VERY good eating, nice white meat, & tasty, ``` however you MUST eat it before freezing it, ``` cause if you freeze it, then thaw to eat it, 9 - times out of 10 it will stink like amonia, not good, ``` I suppose it can be cooked & then frozen, never tried that,


AKA Carnac
~ ~ ~ I think that what you were looking @ was the 5-mile, ``` "on the horizon" ``` you will see the pangas lined up 10 - 20 @ a time, just like targets, ```when you see that, you know something is hitting, ``` when we were out & saw that, we'd get over there & get to catching, ```some sierra, but in most cases it was sea trout, good size rock bass, or chano, ```chano is VERY good eating, nice white meat, & tasty, ``` however you MUST eat it before freezing it, ``` cause if you freeze it, then thaw to eat it, 9 - times out of 10 it will stink like amonia, not good, ``` I suppose it can be cooked & then frozen, never tried that,
It could be chano, Happy it is a croaker to us gabachos.


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~ ~ ~ A croaker is diff. from a chano, ```the ones we caught anyway, ```a croaker is a narrow fish, like a seatrout that actually makes a croaking sound, some will have orange around mouth, I call them croakers cause they croak, ```where as a chano is shaped more like a snapper, silver in color, ```ok to freeze croakers, ```gut & leave whole, excellent cut to rib cage, 2" apart, flowered, in canola oil, or 123 oil ```that's what my Mexican friends in PDO use, & in the disc, ~ ~ ~


~ ~ ~ A croaker is diff. from a chano, ```the ones we caught anyway, ```a croaker is a narrow fish, like a seatrout that actually makes a croaking sound, some will have orange around mouth, I call them croakers cause they croak, ```where as a chano is shaped more like a snapper, silver in color, ```ok to freeze croakers, ```gut & leave whole, excellent cut to rib cage, 2" apart, flowered, in canola oil, or 123 oil ```that's what my Mexican friends in PDO use, & in the disc, ~ ~ ~
DAMN Happy, you are very wise with info. today. Thanks bud.


Thanks Happy;

I learned several things from your posts. Like the 5 miles to the horizon, good stuff for me to know. I figured something was running.

Muchas Gracias Don Happy!