Pan-Starr comet

Starting around March 10th there will be a visible comet on the west horizon right after sunset. On March 12th there will be a cresent moon and the comet will be to the left of it, as seen in 1st pic. It will be visable and rising all during the month.
Pan-StarrMARCH12TH.jpgPANSTARRS2.jpg The second pic is of the comet as seen from New Zealand, it will venture north over the next week for us to see.
In November the Comet Ison is supposed to be brighter than Venus.
I remember being down in 1996 and seeing the comet HaleBopp from my patio in Cholla, it was a wonderful spectacle to see.


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
I remember stopping on highway 8 on the way back and forth to watch the Hale Bopp comet. It looked like a cotton ball with a tail.....
Yes it did It was even better at 3-4AM when the sky turbulence calms down and the detail sharpened. Viewing was great even with just your eyes.
LJ I hope the meds get you felling great again, soon. Take care.
Here is the latest on the comet. It has brightened and is very visible to your eyes. Here is a chart for March showing where it will be. After march 17th it will slowly start to dim. Just look to the west 30-35 minutes after sunset, it is in the west low on the horizon. I will be down Monday and will post some of my pic's of it.
Pan-Starr Chart.jpg
Here is what it looked like at 7:45, only visible for 20 minutes. It will be better over the next 5 days, higher in the sky.
It isn't a spectacular one, we have to wait for November when Comet ISON visits.
Pan-Starrs Comet.jpg
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