OK gang!

Watch out for the new speed traps by the Pima County Sheriff...around the border patrol checkpoints and the new construction of the obrder patrol facility right before Why.....


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
We're home! Come on, you guys, I drive 65-70. Got to PP in 4 hours exactly. Anything over 70 is dangerous in my Jeep......
Glad you made it back safe.....and no tickets from the Ajo Pima Sheriff's department, I hope?????

65-70???? I remember that drive to Puerto Lobos....I kept having to look in my rearview to make sure we weren't losing you.....and having to slow down so you could catch up!!!:moon:


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
Joe, my speedometer said 70-75. I could barely keep her on the road. You guys were going faster than that! 3 diesel 8 cylinder pickups, Chuck's little Toyota(I think) and one little bitty Jeep with great big tires......

Nope, no tickets, I took heed of your warnings... I've been driving that road for years.... I know....

It was 4 hours, door to door, 16th st and Osborn to Samuel Ocana and Constitucion.....with a stop at the duty free store, the Telcel store and the Pemex, all in Sonoyta, included. Not too bad...If I didn't have to stop. it would be 3 and a half hours....I can't afford 2 vehicles, my hobby AND my home in Rocky Point....I'm happy driving the speed limit......and dodging you crazy speeding passers........


El Pirata
Jeepers when you put those monster tires you need to take your speedo to get calibrated to those tires, it might read 75 but your going 50mph if that.


Jeepers when you put those monster tires you need to take your speedo to get calibrated to those tires, it might read 75 but your going 50mph if that.
I think that is backwards it might read 55 but you are going 75.. that is if the speedo is coming off the transmission not sure on a jeep


El Pirata
Ya Rob, i hear you. didn't you ever get pulled over by the ahp and asked you how fast you were going and said the speed limit. The smokey says not by my radar reading, and I would always say must be the bigger tires i just put on this beast. I'm going to let you off with a warning this time but get it fixed, it worked most of the