October 2012 weather


I know, I know, it's not October yet but I can feel it commin !! Finally a definate cooling down days and particularly nights. Time to shut off the AC and put in the window fan at night. September is the most uncomfortable month for me. I think I'm just tired of the daily high humidity and heat and those danged high electricity bills for AC, $40 a month for the house and apt. is outrageous !! Looking forward to those nice quiet nights with all the locals strolling on the Malecon. Mark your calendar and come on down. Beer is cold, fishin is good, sea is warm and the tacos are sizzilin. That, and it's real safe in the streets now as GV has had his Fall visit.


Just in case anyone missed it !! Don't miss another October visit!

Last Evening on the Malecon 10/28/11
The moon slid slowly, almost parallel to the horizon, a tiny gold crescent, eventually falling out of sight below the distant black horizon. Few lights showed across a dark sea punctuated by an occasional flash of white surf. A cool steady breeze coming off the sea rustled gently in the palms overhead and called for a jacket to keep warm.

A green light appeared, waving in an arc, soon recognized as the top of sail boat mast that bobbed stationary in the sea a few hundred meters from the sea wall. After a pause, the boat coasted silently by, a dark wraith on an otherwise empty sea, eventually showing it's heels and a white light on the mast, disappearing into the harbor. A bright flashing blue light appeared out of the harbor moving slowly up the beach passing the long row of lighted high rise condos, disappearing over the horizon to the south west.

Music floated around, La Bamba in a full throated version from a group of four entertaining a couple, a solitary accordian calling for a customer, and the ratat tat tat of drums in the distance. The background filled in by the soft swish, swish, swish of the surf, murmers of nearby people and the occasional shout or laughter of a child. An annoying motorcycle passed by twice, an advertisement blaring from a powerful amplifyer. A loud clatter and thump punctuated as loads of broken concrete were scooped into large trucks as work on removing the old pavement near the escuela continued into the night hours.

A young lady swept by "would you like a flower" with the recognizable florish of the flower vendors. Two mujeres moved on to an adjacent bench and their fragrance came on the breeze, sweet and cloying. A cat wandered by, hesitated then hopped on to the sea wall, curled up companionably close. A couple walked by trailed by an impossibly small chihuahua. The cat alerted, flicked it's ears and stared intently at what, under other circumstances might have been la cena.

An October evening on the Malecon.​


"The cat alerted ,flicked it's tail and stared instantly at what in other circumstances might have been a la Cima" Hmmm how would Hunter s Thompson finish than bit of beautiful prose?

Terry C

Does that have anything to do with October 2012 weather ? Or should I say, what does it have to do with October 2012 weather? Just wondering incase I missed a RP post by Hunter
My favorite time of the year in RP. Water is still warm for snorkling and jetskiing.
Temps get nice for star gazing from the patio and the A/C only runs an hour per day, back to my $15 electric bills.
And yes September is pretty aweful, I forgot how bad it can be when I was down last week.
October, November, March, April, May and early June are my favorites.


Bob, Why haven't you entered our writing contest?
Have not read you terms but the usual is the writer gives all rights to the promoter in exchange for the glory of being a contestant. I'm working on a larger work and will probably incorporate this, so if I enter I will not be able to use it, you will own it.I'd grant a license but not ownership. What are your terms?


Bob, That's what the terms say. We can share it but you still own it and you always get credit for it if we do share it.


Could you please send a link to the contest ? Thanks.

I wuld raffle it off for a charity if I actually won, is that OK?


"The writing contest, which began on Aug. 10[SUP]th[/SUP] has already received about 15 – 20 stories so far – summaries of which can be found on the contest site – and will be open for entries through Oct. 10[SUP]th[/SUP]."
Why I Love Rocky Point Contest Mine starts at a little oyster farm south of town...