New to us jeep

Well we finaly broke down and are buying a 2000 Wrangler Sahara. The Suzuki was fine but the manual transmission was killing my legs. Have to see how it does on the sand with my Pontoon boat trailer behind it.
Ready to go to Puerto Lobos again.
Anyone looking for a fine little 4 wheel drive the Suzuki is now for sale. I would like to get $ 4500 for it. Runs great, no a/c and manual transmission. I don't even have let the air out on the sand.


2 salty dawgs
I like your little Suzuki (makes a great emergency tarp holder for a rainstorm), but we just don't have enough use for it yet. poor rv hasn't been camping since Memorial day weekend, but does get some drives just to run it.
hope you and Edna are doing well :)