New Rules for Bringing Pets Across


Bringing my cat down on the next trip. Told the vet I was going to Mexico and needed to get her shots and a health certificate. They told me the rules have recently changed regarding bringing pets to Mexico. Now they not only need shot records and a health certificate, but must be de-wormed, and treated for fleas and ticks (Frontline or something similar).

I thought maybe they were just saying that to get more $$$ out of me, but they're not really like that at this vet's office. So they gave her all the shots, a syringe full of liquid de-worming stuff, and a gel they put on her skin for the flea/tick treatment. They gave me a health certificate and listed all the treatments she had. The papers they gave me to take with were in English and Spanish.

So I just checked on the Mexican government's website, and it does say that the following are required as of March, 2012:

1) shot records, 2) health certificate, 3) proof of treatment for parasites.

Just thought I'd let you all know. Whether they enforce this at the border or not, remains to be seen, but I'm not taking any chances.

Terry C

last time we went down they asked (in real broken English) for papers. So, I gave them the reg. to the Tahoe. He looked at it and then at the dog. Said,,,ok , thank you. LOLLllll

A Tahoe bread of a Poodle.......


I take my latest receipt for my dog's yearly checkup that lists Rabies, Parvo/Dhp vaccinations, health exam, and heartworm and parasite tests and have her Maricopa Lic. tag on her collar. That should suffice. BTW, she makes her presence known by barking usually and I've never been asked for her papers yet!


I take my latest receipt for my dog's yearly checkup that lists Rabies, Parvo/Dhp vaccinations, health exam, and heartworm and parasite tests and have her Maricopa Lic. tag on her collar. That should suffice. BTW, she makes her presence known by barking usually and I've never been asked for her papers yet!

Like I said, I'm not sure if anything new will actually be enforced. It seems like you've got it all covered accept for the health certificate.


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
Does anyone know how long the health certificate and proof of parasites certificate last? If we have to get that everytime, it could get pricey.....
Hey, I have a Tahoe registration......should have tried that when they "red lighted" us and asked for the dogs papers when we crossed last time (May 25th)!!! But instead, I gave them the papers that are actually just receipt's for their licenses'. It was two agents and they spent the minute or so that we parked just talking and laughing with each other....barely even looked at the papers. So who knows.......


Well, you can't give the shots more than once a year and the rabies is every 3 years, so that part should be okay. The parasite thing is different, though.

But, I highly doubt they will be enforcing it to the letter of the law. But this is the first time I'll be crossing a pet so I didn't want to take any chances. I never thought about taking her into Mexico, really, I was more concerned with bringing her back home.


Hey, I have a Tahoe registration......should have tried that when they "red lighted" us and asked for the dogs papers when we crossed last time (May 25th)!!! But instead, I gave them the papers that are actually just receipt's for their licenses'. It was two agents and they spent the minute or so that we parked just talking and laughing with each other....barely even looked at the papers. So who knows.......
Veering a little off the topic, but I just found out my neighbor in Encanto was refused entrance to Mexico the other day because her vehicle license plate tag was expired and was forced to turn back to Ajo to get it renewed.Thats a new one. Anyone else ever run into that problem?