New Retirement Consulting Firm

Good luck on that. I am retired and it seems I have less time to do what I want. May be if I could just get Edna to retire and walk away from our business we would do more.


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
If only I could... I've been trying forever to find a way to make fishing pay the bills. With the youngest starting ASU this month and lots of other bills still to be paid, I don't see the word "retirement" in my 5 or 10 year plan at this point. Bummer.
17 months and counting....sooner if the real estate market would improve just a bit (or I hit the lottery:aagh:) !!!
You guys better watch what you're saying... come retirement you may be thinking like me... and that is you'll need to go back to work just to get some time off...


Stay Thirsty My Friends
Hmmm, let's see...

2 kids aged 7 and 4 that need to be raised to college age, a wife who is a stay at home mom, 2 college educations to finance, a mortgage that is 15% underwater loan to value, and me having more hobbies/interests than God...

Yeah, I expect to be ready to retire exactly 1 day before they pull the plug on the life support machine :)


I was forced to retire from one job after 31 yrs (the plant moved) and am now in my 9th yr at another job and still can't see retirement in my future unless something miraculous happens to the economy and real estate.:(


I agree with Wood spinner except that my health is such that most of my fishing is vicarious. I even need to have somebgody drive my little 14' boat or fish from the handicapped area which is the best bank fishing on the Colorado River below Lee's Ferry. Pretty good trout and striped bass fishing there. It's even within range of my little electric velocipede. I take the dog with me and let him play along the river while I fish. I do hope to make one last trip to the Sea of Cortez. My wife supports me there. One of the reasons I married her is because she likes to hunt and fish. She's just a little more practical than I am. I suspect that Wood Spinner's wife is the same. Who cares about practicality when you've got a fish on?