New artist type store coming to Penasco


Lovin it in RP!
Its going to start out as a school of sorts for people who want to create their own "sea debris" crafts. There will be instruction as to how to begin the process and how to get through the project without throwing it against the wall. Naomi is very talented and wants to help others create their own memories from their visits to Penasco. Look here for a link to her online store and look here for a link to a video of us creating the signage for the building which is located in the hood but easy to find. Check it out plus we send a photo of the week out every Monday if you want it to come to you automatically just fill out your email on the page itself.


That is a great idea I will try to convince Michelle to take a class when I go fishing next time...


Lovin it in RP!
I will be posting directions and a map to get here for the store later as soon as she is ready to open.


This sounds great! We hope to someday be in PP full time and are looking for ways to supplement our income to get there faster!