My Pinacate update

We backpacked to the top of Pinacate this weekend. Our intent was to spend the night on top like we had previously done. After a long hike we discovered that the wind was blowing at about 30 miles an hour across the summit . Anything that was loose was instantly gone. We decided to camp below the top out of the wind. The desert and geology were spectacular as always.

The park service has dismantled and removed the radio towers from Pinacate and the solar system that powered it so now the top is all natural.
DSCN1036.jpgDSCN1071.jpgDSCN1046.jpgThe first pic is looking down on a cinder cone from the top of Pinacate. The second pic is Carnegie Peak (the second highest peak in the group of peaks-with Pinacate's shadow across it) the third pic is me on the top of Pinacate and very happy my replaced knee worked so well. The hike is 24 kilometers if you follow the recommended route by the park. We have developed another route that bypasses a lot of the lowland hiking and takes a more direct route. Our new route cuts about 20% of the distance and is a lot more scenic.
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Thanks for the photos. Looks like a grand time! The Pinacate Preserve is a much underappreciated asset to Penasco. Most come for the sea and beach but it's a good day trip when here for awhile.


I haven't hiked to the top of Pinacate (we let our daughter do that), but when hiking in Pinacate, I've never experienced such silence.