I realize this is pretty long, but I think it's all important. It's not really fishing either but Sam loves to go fishing with me, and he loves to swim. I was even teaching him to dive down and oick up stuff off of the bottom before I got so sick and weak. There's no copyright on it so you have my permission to forward it to anyone you might think is interested. If the URLs don't play smoothly the first time, wait them out and click on "Play Again" and they will play through smoothly.
I THINK I MAY NEED A> LITTLE HELP FROM MY FRIENDS. As my namesake, the Scottish poet, Robert Burns once said, “The best laid schemes o' Mice an' Men, Gang aft agley", Things aren’t quite working out as I had planned. Unfortunately Sam won’t have the new home in the Fort Rock valley that I thought he was going to. Now I find that I may even have some trouble getting transportation to Fort Rock so my friends and relatives can find a home for him there.
I’d ship him anywhere in the world, but we are in kind if financial straights right now. I had 1.8 million bucks worth of uninsured medical costs a few years ago and I’m only able to leave Tammy with less than $100,000.00 worth of stocks When I go and she’s going to need all of that. My medical costs are pretty much covered by the VA, Medicare and insurance coverage from her job. She still has a copay on her own insurance to pay for and we sometimes have other expenses. I just had to cash out $3, 000.00 to pay for her copay and some other things, but she’s strong and will probably be able to make it after I’m gone. Everything we have is paid for but we still have living costs like food, utilities and such.
Sam needs a good home because it will be difficult for her to give him the care and exercise he should have so we need to find a good home for him. He's Border Collie/Australian Shepherd cross. I bought him as pick of the litter from the peeople who had both parents. I paid $40.00 for a damn mogrel dog! I want to screen his new home and owner as well as possible because he is a hell of a dog and deserves it. He has had all of his shots including rabies and is good for worms, ticks and fleas until Feb. of 2011.
He also comes with a dog training disk, two silent whistles which he responds to, a 16’ retracting large dog leash, a short leash if I can find it, a pocket rocket surgical sling shot. Which will only need to be used as a reminder once in a while. You don’t even need to hit him with it. All he has to do is see it or hear it shot and his memory of behavior comes back immediately. I’m also sending some nearly indestructible chewy toys that he’s had for over a year. He’s destroyed a lot of other so-called indestructible chewys but these have held up well. We also give him bones to chew on that he eventually devours.
If you go to the following URLs you can see face book photos of Sam’s history, his leash, silent whistle and some videos of his behavior. If you will email me at [email protected] I will be glad to screen you as well as possible. He’s a hell of a good dog. Please see his photo album and the videos. He won't be two years old and mature until Dec. 29. He's still young enough to bond with a good owner. He doesn't get on the furniture or take things off of tables or counter tops. He won't bite and he's made friends with every dog he's ever met, even mean or dominant acting dogs. He does like to chase rabbits and birds., but will stop and come back to "Sam, come here" or two short toots on the silent whistle.I really don't know how much he weighs, but it's over 70 lb. He was 69 lb. when we weighed him at the vet's a few months ago. He's really muscled up and strong because we take him for runs on the desert almostevery day. He's also very well housebroke. He gives two short barks when he has to go outside. After that doesn't work in two or three tries, he will gently take your hand in his mouth and try to take you to the door. If that doesn't work, he gets kind of crazy jumping around and barking. He doesn't bark when one of us comes home, but he always barks when strangers are here, or something strange he doesn't' understand is going on outside.
He does chase anything that looks like one of our pickups because he loves to ride with us. We are working on stopping him from casing any vehicle right now. He does have long white hair and sheds which doesn't go too well with our purple carpeting. Tammy brushes him or vacuums him every day which helps some, but she's still got to vacuum regularly to keep the hair off of the rug. We live in a 5th wheel in an RV resort, and he has adapted wonderfully. I'd rather see him have a little more freedom. Even a fenced yard would be better. He's an incredibly smart dog and needs a good home. We will miss him dearly, but there's no way we can keep him. There's leash regulations in our resort and you aren't even supposed to keep them on a chain, but I sometimes put him on a chain at our patio at night. I'v had some good dogs in my life, but he may well be the best I've ever had or seen. He needs and deserves a good home anyway. My telephone # is 928-234-3666 if you'd rather call me.
If you go to the following URLs you can see face book photos of Sam’s history, his leash, silent whistle and some videos of his behavior. If you will email me at Bahia [email protected] I will be glad to screen you as well as possible. He’s a hell of a good dog. You can click on any of the photos in the photo album and they will enlarge for you if you want.
Have a great day,
Robert & Tamara Barnes
I THINK I MAY NEED A> LITTLE HELP FROM MY FRIENDS. As my namesake, the Scottish poet, Robert Burns once said, “The best laid schemes o' Mice an' Men, Gang aft agley", Things aren’t quite working out as I had planned. Unfortunately Sam won’t have the new home in the Fort Rock valley that I thought he was going to. Now I find that I may even have some trouble getting transportation to Fort Rock so my friends and relatives can find a home for him there.
I’d ship him anywhere in the world, but we are in kind if financial straights right now. I had 1.8 million bucks worth of uninsured medical costs a few years ago and I’m only able to leave Tammy with less than $100,000.00 worth of stocks When I go and she’s going to need all of that. My medical costs are pretty much covered by the VA, Medicare and insurance coverage from her job. She still has a copay on her own insurance to pay for and we sometimes have other expenses. I just had to cash out $3, 000.00 to pay for her copay and some other things, but she’s strong and will probably be able to make it after I’m gone. Everything we have is paid for but we still have living costs like food, utilities and such.
Sam needs a good home because it will be difficult for her to give him the care and exercise he should have so we need to find a good home for him. He's Border Collie/Australian Shepherd cross. I bought him as pick of the litter from the peeople who had both parents. I paid $40.00 for a damn mogrel dog! I want to screen his new home and owner as well as possible because he is a hell of a dog and deserves it. He has had all of his shots including rabies and is good for worms, ticks and fleas until Feb. of 2011.
He also comes with a dog training disk, two silent whistles which he responds to, a 16’ retracting large dog leash, a short leash if I can find it, a pocket rocket surgical sling shot. Which will only need to be used as a reminder once in a while. You don’t even need to hit him with it. All he has to do is see it or hear it shot and his memory of behavior comes back immediately. I’m also sending some nearly indestructible chewy toys that he’s had for over a year. He’s destroyed a lot of other so-called indestructible chewys but these have held up well. We also give him bones to chew on that he eventually devours.
If you go to the following URLs you can see face book photos of Sam’s history, his leash, silent whistle and some videos of his behavior. If you will email me at [email protected] I will be glad to screen you as well as possible. He’s a hell of a good dog. Please see his photo album and the videos. He won't be two years old and mature until Dec. 29. He's still young enough to bond with a good owner. He doesn't get on the furniture or take things off of tables or counter tops. He won't bite and he's made friends with every dog he's ever met, even mean or dominant acting dogs. He does like to chase rabbits and birds., but will stop and come back to "Sam, come here" or two short toots on the silent whistle.I really don't know how much he weighs, but it's over 70 lb. He was 69 lb. when we weighed him at the vet's a few months ago. He's really muscled up and strong because we take him for runs on the desert almostevery day. He's also very well housebroke. He gives two short barks when he has to go outside. After that doesn't work in two or three tries, he will gently take your hand in his mouth and try to take you to the door. If that doesn't work, he gets kind of crazy jumping around and barking. He doesn't bark when one of us comes home, but he always barks when strangers are here, or something strange he doesn't' understand is going on outside.
He does chase anything that looks like one of our pickups because he loves to ride with us. We are working on stopping him from casing any vehicle right now. He does have long white hair and sheds which doesn't go too well with our purple carpeting. Tammy brushes him or vacuums him every day which helps some, but she's still got to vacuum regularly to keep the hair off of the rug. We live in a 5th wheel in an RV resort, and he has adapted wonderfully. I'd rather see him have a little more freedom. Even a fenced yard would be better. He's an incredibly smart dog and needs a good home. We will miss him dearly, but there's no way we can keep him. There's leash regulations in our resort and you aren't even supposed to keep them on a chain, but I sometimes put him on a chain at our patio at night. I'v had some good dogs in my life, but he may well be the best I've ever had or seen. He needs and deserves a good home anyway. My telephone # is 928-234-3666 if you'd rather call me.
If you go to the following URLs you can see face book photos of Sam’s history, his leash, silent whistle and some videos of his behavior. If you will email me at Bahia [email protected] I will be glad to screen you as well as possible. He’s a hell of a good dog. You can click on any of the photos in the photo album and they will enlarge for you if you want.
Have a great day,
Robert & Tamara Barnes