MMMM Persimmons!!


Sinaloa Frutas y Verduras on Sinaloa. I never had tried a persimmon until recently and now I'm hooked. I let one sit for a couple of days till it got soft and wow, delicioso. They sure do a good job there. Truck parked out in front with Sinaloa tags unloading yesterday. They even had Pointsettias ! I was in Bodega looking for wine, checked out the bad looking veggies, stoppped across the street at the Santa Fe and no lettuce, drove over to Super Ley and same story, hauled my butt over to Sinaloa and they had everything I was looking for. Try it you'll like it.

GV Jack

Snorin God
Back in the day, Roberto..the only thing Persimmons were good for was making golf club heads.

Now the fruit of the Persimmon is a delicacy. I wonder if there is a future for the fruit of the Titanium tree?