Mexican bank accounts

I read recently that they are going close and seize accounts that show no deposits or withdrawls for a period of time. My question is, is there any good reason to keep a checking account open in Mexico? I opened it and kept it open for my FM-3 but have sense turned in my FM-3.

Cholla Bay


The only reason that I can think of is to exchange Dollars for Pesos. I deposit dollars into my account and take out pesos with my ATM card. Accounts are easy to open so I don't really see any other reason to keep it if you don't use it. You can just open a new one if you find a need.


Lovin it in RP!
I read recently that they are going close and seize accounts that show no deposits or withdrawls for a period of time. My question is, is there any good reason to keep a checking account open in Mexico? I opened it and kept it open for my FM-3 but have sense turned in my FM-3.

Cholla Bay
Can you forward where you read this I need to know about it
Bill...was that at the bank next to the Town Hall? That was the place that I used to get an exchange. BTW, I used an ATM there over Thanksgiving, and it came to 11.98 pesos to the dollar, with the ATM fees and foreign exhange fee factored in.
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Hi No we went to the Bcomer , I think that is the name, acroos from the Pemex station going to La Curva. You have to go inside with your pasport. Out of the park East to the stop sign and go left. Past the fruit stand to the next stop on the right