Manny's has closed.......


Wow, Manny's was THE place for many years. Who can't recall the elbow to elbow crowds. I had tourists ask me several times recently "What's the big deal about Mannys, it's dead there."


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
Very sorry to see it go! Spent many, many nights in Manny's and loved every minute of it. Another victim of the economic/Mexico slowdown. Hopefully, someone else will buy it and it will live on, but it's got to be tough to make it when your only business these days seems to come one month a year and an occasional holiday here or there.

And yes, just outside Manny's on the beach was the 1st time I was ever approached by the Black Widow!
You gotta realize that Manny's Beach Club took a hard hit when the trailer parks in the Mirador were evacuated. Those people always stopped by for happy hour and dinner. Selling to those shysters that never even proceeded to build just made things harder for the existing businesses. Add to that the economic warfare we've been dealing with and the media attacks and there you go.


2 salty dawgs
is the Pit (Sammy's) still open?
I liked their upstairs patio being such a close stumble from PDO - nice place to watch a sunset with
an inexpensive pina colada...or 3
You guys would be surprised to know the number of places in this town I've never been to or even heard of. This would be one of them. Anyone care to enlighten me? I'm a true creature of habit. Everyone thinks that I know reality I simply go only to the places where I know people. It's an optical illusion. What is Sammy's? Hmm...must I go exploring?
Rosy, I think he's referring to the Pithaya....

From what I've seen the last couple of months, the upstairs bar has not been open much. The little bar downstairs has. Maybe the PDO regulars can pipe in.
Oh! Now I get it. I was at an AMPI event upstairs over a year ago and found the place pleasant enough. Mel150 and I stopped in to the downstairs bar this last summer and found that they had no ice and after two beers apiece, they ran out of beer! It was hot and muggy out there anyway, so we moved on.

I prefer a bit more comfort in my old age, although I can be suitably distracted if there is something fun going on...


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
Don't get me started guys.......

Evacuated is not the word, evicted is the word! So many nights of walking...OK....staggering home from such fun..dancing and drinking........Kids and adults all having a great time together. Singing Sweet Home Alabama and Amarillo by Morning and a thousand other songs together!!!! Going to Manny's for breakfast because it was cheap and I was too lazy to cook! Getting in a fight over a pink ball cap(Don't ask LOL!......)Hearing a million different pick up lines over the years and laughing at all of them. What a landmark... I watched them build it in the 70's..... And add on to it.... ARGH!!!!! Yea, I have stories.....Oh, the memories......


I am crushed to hear that Manny's has closed. Whenever I tell anyone where my place is in RP, they have no clue where PDO is or where Mirador is,
but they all know where Manny's is, or should I say, was.... remember what happened the first time we went there together????