Look what I caught ....


Stay Thirsty My Friends
Or, more accurately, look what I snagged:


It's a 2007 Mako 234 with twin 140 Suzuki 4-strokes. 250 hours on it. It's loaded- dual bait tanks, plenty of rod storage, insulated fish boxes. The only big-ticket thing it doesn't have are out-riggers, but I'll have some on there soon enough.

It was a bank-repo that I picked up through an auction clearing dealer in South Carolina.

I was stunned when they accepted my 1st bid (I had planned to start low and work my way up, but they took the bid :party: )

I had a full Marine survey performed and the report came back in Above Average condition with the only remarks being that it needs a full complement of safety gear.

Anyway, the check cleared yesterday, and the transport company will hook it up Monday morning and tow it out to AZ, which gives me two week to get it registered, equipped, and shaken out before I bring it down to RP on the 29th...

My B-Day is the 24th, and for my wife to go along on with me on this purchase (especially since I still haven't gotten my old boat sold yet :?) was the best present she could have given me... I think she liked the fact that this one has a full flushing electric head and a freshwater sink on board- maybe that will inspire her to actually come out on the water and do some fishing with me.

Hopefully the next pic I post will be of me on the deck holding the first fish caught on it.
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who cares

Caught, snagged, who cares, what a nice Mako! As far as safety gear go's, be sure to get a lot of green coconuts for food and water emergencies.:-o Don't know where to get green Coconut's Robert? Well I'll tell you for a couple of drops at the 22.:veg:


Ahh yes, the ole "Dear, this boat has plumbing. No more hanging it overboard or using the bucket." Has a tendency to get one a nicer boat.

Nice boat! Looking forward to seeing pictures of it bloodied up.


Awesome, awesome boat, great job!! I had a Mako 171 that I just sold last summer, best boat I have ever owned. How much fuel does she hold?


Stay Thirsty My Friends
Thanks everyone! I am obviously very excited.

If any of you have been out to the Bass Pro Shops store in Mesa, then you might have seen the Yellow 234 Mako with twin Mercs that they have had on the lot since the store opened- I lusted after that boat for 3 years, but this one is even nicer since it has 4-strokes, the bait station, all the electronics, and no Mesa City sales tax...

Oh, and and I got it for about 40% less than BassPro is asking for theirs- can't beat that.

GaryD- I found the boat using jaxed.com- they have a service that searches EBAY, craigslist, and auction123 ads nationwide:


Estero- Fuel capacity is 150 gallons, and 20 gallons freshwater. I figure the range with the Suzuki's should be right around 400 miles. These DF140's are supposed to be some of the most efficient and reliable outboards out there- I found tons of positive reviews on them, and almost zero negative.

Kenny- I will definitely be looking for "RP locals" who want to come out whenever I've got room. I'll keep you in mind.


Great Boat!! Almost bought the one at Bass Pros myself but found a bigger boat for less money. Just in time for deep water fishing. as Stu says, get it down and get it bloody. Congratulations on the new mistress.
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Stay Thirsty My Friends
Here's my weekend update:

The boat arrived at my house last Thursday night, filthy and covered with bugs from its cross-country trip. Spent most of Friday with the power washer and scrub brush just bringing it back to white...

Saturday I thought I'd do a dry-test of all the systems and maybe run it up to Canyon lake in the afternoon for a water trial... no such luck; as soon as I filled the fresh water tank, just about every joint started leaking. when I hit the freshwater pump it really started spraying out of every place I didn't want it too, so since I was going to be re-doing the freshwater system I decided to pirate the brand new 60psi Jabsco RV water pump I installed in the Skipjack a few months back. Swapping pumps from boat to boat, and re-plumbing the leaky lines exhausted most of Saturday- and speaking of exhausted- working on your boat in 111 degree weather is pretty brutal.

So come Sunday morning, with the memory of the freshwater system's leakiness fresh in my mind, I decided not to even try the toilet- I went straight to work tearing the sanitation system out, and re-sealing all the lines with double hose clamps and fresh silicone on all the joints. I also spent a couple hours on sunday making labels for all the switches, and troubleshooting an irritating intermittent short in one of the baitwell pumps.

By Sunday night, all systems were working, but there was no more weekend left for a lake-test of the engines, bait tanks and raw water system.

Hey, at least it's clean (spotless, actually) and I'm all primed for the lake next Saturday morning, and for Mexico on the 29th....
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Stay Thirsty My Friends
I took the Mako up to Canyon lake yesterday afternoon and ran it for a couple hours. Everything works and I topped it out at 42 knots at 6200rpm, and I could get a steady 28knot cruise at 5000rpm.

Amazingly, my truck towed it to the lake and back burning about the same amount of gas it took when towing the skipjack.

Throttling the twin engines will take some getting used to - even though the controller is synchronized, there were a couple times when the RPM's would drift apart by a couple hundred RPM from side to side.

I did discover another leak in the raw water washdown pump, and I'm still trying to master the user interface for this Garmin fishfinder/chartplotter- but at least I got my waypoints transferred into it successfully.

Next stop- Safe Marina on Wednesday morning!
As I am also searching can you help me. A couple of questions, if you would not mind what you had to pay for it and how did you get it here fron SC? If you drove what do you think the trip cost you to pick it up? Most of what I am finding are in Florida. Any help woule sure be of help in my search. Thanks Drop an E-Mail direct to me. [email protected]