Latest on the Esmerelda

I noticed that the cranes were removed from the Esmerelda last trip down for Memorial day.
Any news?
Is there any new construction happening on any of the Condos?


I had heard that the Esmeralda crane was moved over to the homeport. They keep an extra crane over by the Wrecked parking lot just in case one of those trucks goes over the end when dumping their load. That happened the morning of May 28th. Didn't go in the water, but was hanging over the edge.
I guess the recovery hasn't spurned any more activity to finish those many un-completed units at Esmeralda, Casa Blanca, Las Polomas, etc.
I did happen to see Gus Brown driving a shiny brand new SUV when I was down, guess SBR is doing OK in spite of it all.
You would think some of the massive cash flow from the port project could help finish the SBR condo developments.


It seems a little early yet to expect those unfinished condos to be completed. Maybe once the cruise port is completed and up and running. There is, however, a new home being built in Costa Diamante (next to Casa Blanca).


I heard that those metal structure that were not finished like the Harbor and the one on the hill in Old Port would have to be taken down and rebuilt before those projects could be finished.
The cranes at Esmerelda were tower cranes. The ones at the Jetty are latter cranes and not from Esmerelda. I sure the hell would not trust the tower cranes unless they were rebuilt and don't know where Gus took them maybe to his steel yard/building

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Bob Oso

Mmmm, ahem. I hope you are not suggesting misapproriation of funds here???:eek::eek::eek:
How about GB/SBR conclude their real estate dealing in Cholla before moving on to the condos. But who wouldn't love it, sell the property, collect the proceeds, have the buyer keep paying the property taxes, but never release the trust.