La Carretera that will not end up getting anywhere soon


So from the overpass by the Santo Tomas to the Herradura mine the construction of 12 miles of Coastal highway took at least a year.At this rate it will reach Puerto Penasco in 2020!

Es la carretera perfecta de Sonora… pero no se transita | Quid Noticias
Es la carretera perfecta de Sonora… pero no se transitaPosted on 24/04/2014 by quid-adminCruzas el estado sin casetas, sin baches, sin carga pesada, con bellos paisajes, pero nadie la conocePor: Germán Osuna CruzEs una carretera perfecta, sin baches, con bellos paisajes jamás vistos, sin casetas de…


And during that period there will be little to no maintenance on the existing road. I'm taking the route through Sonoyta to Kino next. This is not good for the Sonora Only program to improve tourisim along the coast.