Kayak fishing from the Reef..for future reference


If you have a kayak and you are at the Reef, go out and turn right, it's as simple as that. Some of the best fishing and snorkeling in the area can found along those rocks between Sandy beach and Cholla Bay. 50 years of fishing and diving there on and off tells me so... Go to the last or next to last fish market on the way out and tell them you want $3 dollars worth of the (small Squid) calamares pequenos, and that should be more than enough for a day or two. Jigs, white is good, and will work on a variety of fish out there. tip it with Squid for a little extra if you like... You never can tell what you might run into out there in some of the deeper holes, so be prepared.


P. S. I forgot :eek: Throw something shiny like a 1oz, or bigger Kastmaster or a variety of other stuff that could pass for baitfish for Corvina, Sierra Mackerel etc. I caught my biggest Trigger on a Kastmaster counting it down..It hit on 8..LOL I also caught my biggest Pompano, about 16", off the rocks throwing a 1oz silver spoon with a red stripe and a bucktail. I got it off ebay because it looked like it would and it did.. :D


Kenny gave you some good info. The rocky area he speaks of has always been productive for me. I might add that the old chrome car antenna lure and daredevils (my old stanby for everything fresh or saltwater) work good. I once knocked the heck out of sierra right in front of Rocky Point on a black and white daredevil about 3" long. I was trolling on my way out. I hooked one, and a bunch of his buddies followed him in. I had a fish on almost every cast. I lost several because I couldn't keep the slack out of my line with my little Abu 3000. I had a blast and a half while the bite lasted. Jigs of almost any color can be good at times. $3.00 will get you about a pound (1/2 kilo or medio kilo) of small squid on el malecon . Cut bait from fish and raw beef or pork can be productive, but calamari are my bait of choice.
Be sure to keep the Squid cold as it can realy stink. If you put them in your frig be sure to double zip lock bag them. The smell lingers long after they are gone.


Head toward Cholla Bay and when you pass the turnoff to The Reef campground, find a road that heads to the ocean, there are lots of little trails between the reef and Comp hill.