..Joe Walsh - One Day At A Time


This song is about my path out of the darkness of drug addiction and alcoholism. The message is that there is a way out and a new life waiting in recovery that is good. The first step is to ask for help. The included links are a good place to start. I'm doing this because if it helps 1 person - it was worth it. It's by giving back that we receive and I am eternally grateful for my sobriety and my life today....- Joe Walsh


+ Alcoholics Anonymous :

+ E-AA Group of Alcoholics Anonymous : Online AA Meetings : AA Links : AA Resources : AA Fellowship

- Joe Walsh...


Kenny: Very awesome. Thank you. Best of all and good luck.
Thanks, I thought I'd horn in on some of Joe's 12 step work. After all you never can tell, and like I always say, "You can't keep what you have, unless you give it away".