JJ's Cantina Newsletter

My new newsletter has just been sent out to everyone who is signed up for it. I am inserting a link here for the current copy. Also if you want to receive a tasty tidbit from Cholla Bay once a month you can also sign up with just your email address. I do not use your email for anything else but this once a month newsletter. If you want to sign up - heres the form!

Enjoy - and greetings from JJs Cantina your favorite third world cantina!
So as of Saturday 79 of you guys looked at my posting about my newsletter, thats great. We had 8 of you sign up for it to be delivered to your inbox each month automatically, thats great too! We want to have a monthly, fun letter for you. If you have any ideas for us please send me a private message or send me a email to [email protected]
If any of you that read my newsletter has an interest in the midden sites that Russ wrote about you have to know that it is illegal to remove anything from the sites. The archaeologist reminded us today that the sites are protected and that they (PaleoWest) has permits to explore the sites. The kindly reminded us of that before any of you go to jail for illegal picking...... I thought you might want to know that!


I'm happy to see you post that. I was sad about revealing the location of the midden to the public. There are several other sites in Penasco and many in the Pinacate. The Pinacate visitors center has a few artifacts on display.