Is the Mexican highway expansion planned to go to all the way to Peñasco?

Since I live in Nogales, AZ & work in Nogales, MEX, I mainly drive to Peñasco via Mexico (route 15 from Nogales to Santa Ana, route 2 from Santa Ana to Caborca, & route 37 from Caborca to Peñasco). As some of you know, the caseta (toll) on route 2 was increased to 93 pesos, and when I asked they said it was directly to pay for the expansion of the highway to 4 lanes. The project appears to be going very well, and each time I go I see more progress- hopefully soon it will be complete all the way from Santa Ana to Caborca.

I also asked if the project is intended to go all the way to Peñasco and the guy at the toll booth told me yes. Does anyone know if this is 100% a confirmed fact? It would be really nice to have the whole Mexico stretch as a divided 4 lane highway. Its fine during the day, but at night it can be very stressful/potentially dangerous with no shoulders, semis, dangerous passing, etc. Thanks in advance!
I don't anything about the road construction, but it sure would be nice if it was wider and smoother.
Not sure if you are familiar with the stretch of road from Wickenburg to to I-40. It is the road that 1000's of people would use to get to Laughlin, NV.
Back in the day before it was widened and greatly improved, there were many deaths on that stretch. (just as comparison)

So they are charging like $7 US to travel the road? At that rate, they should be able to fix it up real nice.