Invitation to the Shrimp Festival


El Pirata
Date: Saturday, November 19, 2011
Time: 2:00 to 6 PM
Price: $100 Pesos or $ 9 USD for 10 tickets
What: there will be from 20 to 25 restaurant with food booths.

Come join in the festivities for a great food fest!

Don't forget that Trick or Treating set up is at 4 PM TODAY and the kids start at 5 PM.

Happy Halloween @ Las Conchas


Festival is going great at this moment.11/19/ , 4:25. Lots of people, lots of food and lots of entertainment. Local kids have been on the stage playing in groups. Great opportunity for them. Lots of proud smiling families in the audience. Parade tomorrow apparently starts at 8 AM at the park next to the Municipal.