I need a ride


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
Hi family,
I really want to come to Penasco on the 15th thru the 17th or 18th. I want to support Taste of Penasco and the Rolling Rockies thing on Sat. the 16th. Jerry can't come and my mom can't drive my Jeep. I don't have enough energy to drive all the way down and back at the moment. I'm having some medical issues that I will share when we know what exactly it is....If anyone from the Phoenix area is going down Friday after work or early Sat morning and returning Sun or Mon., I would pay for gas and insurance. I can use a taxi when I get there....or borrow a car from a friend....

Terry C

Chari, this is a post from Nancy Phelan on Facebook. Maybe you can work it out on a day leaving Phoenix.[h=5]Anyone want a free ride from Phoenix to Rocky Point on Wednesday - February 14th give me a call. I have a friend coming down. 383 1012 or 602 412 3932. Leaving Phx around 4 PM.


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
I saw that, Terry, but I can't leave until after work on Friday. My Bosses mom died and he is in Chicago. I am the boss when he is gone.......

Terry C

ok, but her post say's Wednesday - February 14th. The 14th is on a Thursday. What's one day for who ever is coming to see Nancy?


Chari, I am leaving from the West Valley on Thursday if your plans change and you can leave a day earlier.


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
Thanks everybody so far. Rob reminded me of the shuttles and I called one. It's only 50 bucks each way and that is cheaper than if I drove.....What with gas and insurance. I'll probably end up doing that altho I'd rather pay one of you guys....It's just my time constraints are bad this trip.....