I had heard they are confiscating your meat/chicken when you cross into Mexico now??

GV Jack

Snorin God
I agree the meat tastes better and there are a number of meat markets that have very good steaks.

Try Cedasa, but you'll need to get directions from Roberto.

Here is a link to those items that are allowed.

Guidelines on animals, plants, and products that may enter Mexico | Rocky Point 360

Alot depends on who is checking you at the border. I have been stopped three of the last four times
but I am known as the Green Valley Desperado, so I expect it.

Good luck, but try the stores in RP.


Chicken has never been a problem for me ( personal consumption amounts,original packages...same with pork...dog food is always a hassle if stopped Anyone that says those midget Mexican Chickens or those strange orange looking leg-thigh packs are better than American Organic Chickens is just wrong.
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Roberto--Can you provide an address or directions? I hear a BBQ calling my name.....

I agree the meat tastes better and there are a number of meat markets that have very good steaks.

Try Cedasa, but you'll need to get directions from Roberto.


El Pirata
When i come through and get the red light I always ask them if they got any meat from AJ's for sale? Very tasty meat.

The Man


Came thru the other day, have an ice try full of eggs, milk, ham roasts plus other stuff!

Apon inspection when thru all and asked if any beef in there.

Thought even our vegies would be taken.

Nope, just was hunting for beef!

Just found out California has mad cows.

Arg dept did a random check and found a few cows had mad cow disease.

Said none was into public supply.... but who knows.

Maybe the MEX inspectors are doing someone a favor by taking the beef!

And noway they want that meet in MEXICO.