All I can say is WOW!!! Just wow. What a great weekend! The Thanksgiving dinner just keeps getting bigger and better! Met some new people and they are all awesome! Food was great! The boatride got pushed to Sat. due to the weather so a few if us made an impromptu road trip to Puerto Lobos on Friday. What a great little place, just like Cholla Bay in the 60's. Got to meet asprinkles and his wife. The boat trip was awesomer than usual as we ran thru a pod of what must have been 500 dolphins. What a sight! I have it on video but the pictures just don't do it justice! It brought me to tears...... The fish fry at Bill and Edna's yesterday was better than last years' if thats even possible! Great food and great people as usual! I'll let Rocky Point Joe or Mark tell about what we got done for the little deaf girl but I was crying again! I got to meet some new people, John at the dinners and aspinkles in Puerto Lobos and Fasteddy at the border! That was too funny, I was just standing by my Jeep and this guy walks up and asks me if I am Ladyjeeper! My passenger says, "Boy, you ARE well known around here!" LOL! We also met Maccer's brother and his very vocal dog! I just can't help it, I gotta say it, I love all you guys like family! Joe, Teri and Michele, we got to get together here! I'm still groovin' off all the good vibes! Thanks Mark and Barb and Harold and Kathy for all you do! You and all the others here ROCK!!!!!!!!:gradea::gradea::woo::woo:
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