Home in Las Conchas Vandalized



I am posting this to warn others and/or to find out if other homes have been vandalized. Sometime over the past month thieves broke into our home by kicking in a wall ac unit. They bashed holes in the walls and tore out copper wiring. They attempted to cut away a piece of copper pipe from our water pump causing it to flood the downstairs of our home. They also pulled ceiling fans down and stripped them of copper wire. They cut through copper wiring in the main electrical box as well. As if that was not enough damage they slashed our furniture.

Please watch over your home and those of your neighbors while you are visiting. Our home is located right by the guard shack... if ours is not safe I am not sure whose is.
Sorry to hear of your misfortune. This is a very common practice in the states..........stealing copper wire, stripping it and then taking it to a recycling place for money. Where in PP do they have such a facility??? And if they're not stealing it for that reason, then why??? It is very sad that your home is right next to the guard shack and this still happened. Sure doesn't say much for their security, once again.


AKA Carnac
Brwneyegirl01, you call these people theives but you only talk about vandalism. What did they steal? Also not 80% not 90% not 99% but 100% of the water pressure pumps I have ever seen are not in the house they are outside or in a small pump room or at worst in the garage so to cut a pipe off the pump would only depressurize the house not flood it. Why would somebody steal the wire out of a ceiling fan when they could just take the whole fan? I know theives are dumb but not that dumb. There might be 4 ozs. of copper in a ceiling fan at 80 cents a pound and thats after you take it home throw it in a fire and melt the plastic coating off of it they would make 20 cents a fan. Also thats a lot of unneeded work to smash walls to steal wire when you understand how homes are wired in Mexico. I think your other name is penasco1996 or cortezgirl. Sorry if this did happen but your story does't make sense.
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Brwneyegirl01, you call these people theives but you only talk about vandalism. What did they steal? Also not 80% not 90% not 99% but 100% of the water pressure pumps I have ever seen are not in the house they are outside or in a small pump room or at worst in the garage so to cut a pipe off the pump would only depressurize the house not flood it. Why would somebody steal the wire out of a ceiling fan when they could just take the whole fan? I know theives are dumb but not that dumb. There might be 4 ozs. of copper in a ceiling fan at 80 cents a pound and thats after you take it home throw it in a fire and melt the plastic coating off of it they would make 20 cents a fan. Also thats a lot of unneeded work to smash walls to steal wire when you understand how homes are wired in Mexico. I think your other name is penasco1996 or cortezgirl. Sorry if this did happen but your story does't make sense.
Why would you discredit someone who had a bad experience? It doesn't seem kind to me to do that. Brown Eye Girl, I am sorry about your experience. It is such a cruel invasion of your life. Here where I live, someone over the summer has entered three houses and robbed us, including me. Oh, that is in U.S., not Mexico. It is an aweful experience.


AKA Carnac
Why would you discredit someone who had a bad experience? It doesn't seem kind to me to do that. Brown Eye Girl, I am sorry about your experience. It is such a cruel invasion of your life. Here where I live, someone over the summer has entered three houses and robbed us, including me. Oh, that is in U.S., not Mexico. It is an aweful experience.
The story does'nt make sense. Most homes in Las conchas are block and cement ( you could pound all day on those walls) all wiring is inside conduit usually black plastic do you think somebody is going to steal copper wire when there are appliances, furniture, knicknacks and probably 100 other things to steal besides copper wire which is a ton of work to strip the coating off before you can sell it. I have had copper wiring stolen in rocky point but it does't involve punching holes all over the place in my case only at the meter box outside. Also you dont have a water pressure pump inside the house. Never. She also states that they took the wire out of the ceiling fans they could get about 20 cents for that wire why not steal the fan and sell it for 40 cents and double your money. I have also been broken into in Rocky Point they cleaned house on me and I guarantee the last thing on their minds was my copper wire.
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Mentiras y Traición

Sonoran Goddess
The story makes perfect sense. Especially if you are a teenager, and maybe a little inebriated - that explains the violence and destruction, and the stupidity of what they took. Also, did Francisco Hernandez Mandujano magically show up just afterwards and offer you "help?" He had all sorts of teenagers and other people move into our house on his lawyer's advice to show he "owned" it. Maybe they were moonlighting! Anyway, if he shows up and offers help, RUN...he has, oh I guess you could call it an "uncanny" knack for being around when things like this have "just" happened.:stir::twisted::sharks:


AKA Carnac
Mentiras with all due respect some of it as a builder just does'nt make sense would teenagers partying really think " Hey theres a pair of wire cutters lets go cut the wires at the meter box we dont know anything about which side is hot and could kill us but lets go do it anyway." I know they can cause destruction. the water pumps are always outside and would flood the garden or yard but not the house. I could be wrong and did apologize in my first post. The name browneye do you know what a browneye is? maybe if it said browneyed girl. I just think its a phony post
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El Pirata
Well if you break it down, the poster said it happened in the last month! So this house was broken into more than once. The vandals
did most of the damage, trashed the place, and then some transient came along and finished the place off.

Mentiras y Traición

Sonoran Goddess
Or they are given a little direction (ladrons in training maybe)...by someone...and the reference to browneye is kinda disgusting Lag85! It sounds legit to me. Whenever our house was broken in to, Hernandez always said it was the Gringos who did it. I still don't see any reason to dismiss it just because it doesn't exactly fit what you think should or should not happen. You are giving the bad guys too much credit...they wouldn't be crooks if the had much intelligence! I guess we each have our own opinions. I must not be too savvy, cuz I wouldn't give any thought to cutting wires...that it might zap me. I'd just snip away! Thanks for the lesson!:shock::shock:


AKA Carnac
Mentiras, I have seen the destruction of a flooded house in august in rp. Brown Eye Girl never mentioned the black hairy special mold that begins to grow on everything in a closed up hot humid and wet house in RP,the walls turn black and hairy, throw rugs start to look like a mushroom garden, grout turns black, furniture starts to stink, drapes turn black and hairy. Its nasty. This happened to a friend of mine who has a house behind playa bonita last year. This happens fairly quickly.
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It is a legitimate post... I was merely posting it as a warning to others to watch our for your properties, and to find out if this has happened before in the neighborhood. I have no idea why the thieves would break into our house and strip the copper wiring. I myself had no idea that it was worth anything. If you had read my original post they did not only take the copper wiring from the fans... they stripped the entire house. Our house is one of just few that are not block contstruction so they were able to smash holes in the drywall. My parents found this house this way... I have yet to see it as I am currently living overseas so I am not certain as to the logistics.

And to those who thought this was a phony post... believe me I have better things to do with my time. Below are a few pictures of the damage that was done.
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AKA Carnac
Like I said it just didnt make sense to strip wire out of fan when you could take the fan. Also near the guard gate in las conchas there is one frame house and it is a 2 story house. Jack Riggle built it in about 1996. I supplied the lumber,trusses and doors for that house and the door in that picture looks like the doors we supplied but I have never heard of anybody breaking into a furnished house only to take the wiring. Also I questioned it because you never mentioned mold, that closed up house with water running in it in August in RP would be a moldy mess especially with the siphoning effect of sheetrock. Your photos dont indicate the whole house was stripped unless they had somebody like Arnold Swarzenegger or Hulk Hogen Helping them pull the romex that runs vertically to the light switches, recepticles and smoke detector those wires are stapled with big heavy staples to the studs and then connected to the switches, smoke detectors and recepticles, those walls would have to be opened to pull those wires and the switches, smoke detector and recepticles disconnected. You still dont make sense.
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AKA Carnac
Not true...while the water pump at my house is outside, my close friends house in Section 2 has the water pump inside the attached garage.
your right but see my post #4 I mention some are in garages or pump rooms also normally a garage has a 3 or 4 inch lower elevation than the house does and also the the door entering the house from the garage has a threshold so its still tough for a big volume of water to flood the house from a pump in the garage.
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