HarborMaster inspecting boats.


El Pirata
Harbormaster said two local boats for lack of security certificates
July 7, 2011

By: Victor Salazar
Puerto Penasco, Sonora.

Two tourist boats in Puerto Peñasco are detained because they have not renewed their security certificate said the Port Captain, Miguel Ángel Gómez Gómez.
He explained that vessels do not have security certificate are the ¨ ¨ Intrepid which is not allowed to browse for 8 days, when the inspections began Pancho Villa y ¨ • Because you have asked to verify his ship.
° Monday and Tuesday we went to inspect ships and we will issue security certificates if so, what warrant also have to check the life jackets, flares having to ask for help, the annular rings one on each side to throw in case someone falls into the sea, rafts in good condition, "he said.
Also indicated that al · Intrepid ¨ asked to have fire extinguishers in strategic locations inside the boat and had a lifeguard for every tourist to get into the boat where the capacity of this boat than 300 people and has only 120 lifeguards.
In the case the vessel ¨ ¨ that Pancho Villa is dedicated to sport fishing and tour sporadically to tourists for up to 25 people, only awaiting inspection, he said.
A new rule is being applied during the inspection tourist boats in Puerto Peñasco is teach passengers three cases of basic sounds: the first to alert them that the ship sinks, the second stating that a person fell into the water and the third to signal a fire on board.
He explained that Inspection carried out to tourist boats is four hours each and so far have received your boat safety certificate Fiesta Cruiser and King of the sea.
This makes me very happy. As I was telling a friend of mine about what happened in San Felipe, she told me she didn't even want to do a sunset cruise again in Penasco, much less the Bird Island trip we have been considering for a while. I know that sounds extreme, but if you're a nautical newbie, it's nice to know there's someone enforcing safety standards. If I was chartering a random boat a few miles down south in Puerto Libertad, that would be another story, I would know my risks, but...


AKA Carnac
The tourists, also made the huge mistake of not knowing where the life jackets were, can you imagen 2:30 am pitch black and scurrying around for a life jacket. Mine at night would have been in bed with me and anybody with me would have one in bed. I dont even let them go out on deck at night without a life jacket.


four "hey you can die out there stories from Santo Tomas and,Bird Island and Puerto Lobos from last month.
Navy chartered rust bucket Trawler nearly sinks near bird Island around June 1 in wind storm...Kenny,Joe and I find the Pangas..call the biologist up and tell him we have the boats.

The Kayak story from Puerto Lobos..tide...weather kicks up fast= even skilled guys in a <WASH MY MOUTH OUT WITH SOAP><WASH MY MOUTH OUT WITH SOAP><WASH MY MOUTH OUT WITH SOAP><WASH MY MOUTH OUT WITH SOAP> storm

Panga with our friends Nacho and Pedro gets caught in huge waves the evening the boat in San Felipe goes down...waves towering over them as they slide down them...nearly broke Panga in two...they are ok

Same night my Marine friends nearly have the Trawler sunk on them again...Big panga type boat with center counsil(sp?) comes to shore and rolls over...Guys come from Guaymas,they drag it out...fix it and end up having it sink again when they don't put some type of plug in it....the fishermen loved it...the biologist and marines all get transfered to San Felipe just in time to be on dead people patrol

Scott from Santo Tomas drives his small (18 feet?) metal boat to the point 8 miles North of Santo Tomas and launches at the fish camp.He goes to Bird Island...Huge wind comes out of nowhere and he spends 3 hours going in a tiny circle on the North side of the Island (blocks wind)...gets a break heads back and the wind kicks up again...kisses the beach when he and his shitty little boat are thrown on shore by a big wave!!!

Plus there are 2 more but I have to go...a guy caught a 4 kilo Pompano looking fish last night!!! I have to get one!