Gonna need a big boat for this one

GV Jack

Snorin God
Here are a couple pictures of what appears to be a hump back whale off our patio
in Section 5 Las Conchas.

It was taken over last weekend by one of our renters.

Anyone else seen these things except over Biker Weekend?



I know there have always been whales here and there, but I'm wondering if whales and other large speciessuch as sharks might be on the increase, and if all this could be a sign of an improved fishery in the upper gulf.


El Pirata
Gv you need to show some respect for the Biker ladies! I don't make fun of the silver cougars you rave about at the desert diamond!
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El Pirata
Sorry bout that edit Gv don't remember what it said before i edited it, but i didn't want any problems with the S/C's....