Getting stuck and getting out..again



Met the Playa Bonita crew at Santo Tomas today..shout out to Tortuga from the forum.They all had jeeps pressured at 18 or up.Worked fine except for this one.The solution was to have 3 real jeeps with you and 4 tow straps.The other way is to pressure down to 12 and go like hell..staying to the high side after you walk up first and scope things out.


See those rocks in the background? Well on a high tide they hold fish, and if you get stuck on one of those sandbars around them you'll be a reef too.:eek: It's usually a good idea not to shut your engine off down next to the water on low tide just to save a few steps, unless you have ready back up.


Kenny ,Scott's big blazer was a semi reef last month...sometimes it's good to have friends with a bulldozer otherwise it would still be in this picture


today we see a nice Jeep and a 4wd pickup headed South toward Desemboque about 11 am. We wonder if it will get to Desemboque with the big tide about to peak at 1pm.The Jeep just just made it back to Santo Tomas but the truck is a reef by German's point.Two more Jeeps are Stuck by Playa one at the fish camp to help either.If you knew anyone headed this way via the beach they might be in trouble