Easy money no more


$1.8 million drug bust at Naco port - Tucson News Now

If you spend much time near the border or places like Rocky Point,you either know someone that is a mule for the cartel or have even been approached yourself to make some easy money.The odds have really shifted in the last few years against the players.Check out how perfect this truck was and she still was caught.The details like the dust on the bed ,woman's age,the perfect weld job all would have made this an easy 20 k 5 years ago.
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Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
It's a game that's been going on for years, Jerry. For every one they catch, how many do you think make it through? Losing a load is the cost of doing business for the cartels. Losing a mule? No loss to them, there's plenty of folks willing to step up and take her place.


Those big scanners they use can detect false compartments and stuff in them. The cannon idea was a good one if they would have had someone there to pick up the stuff !! With some of those flexible underground lateral drilling rigs like they use in fracking seems like they could drill a tunnel half way to Tucson then shoot containers through like the old time vacumn things in stores.