Dolphin show


Don't know if it was a show or the dolphin olympics or a turf war. Whatever it was, it was something to see. It was last Monday and started as usual with a few dolphins leisurely cruising along and a couple more bring up the rear. Then a few newcomers appeared a little further out, and then there were dolphins everywhere. They were racing back & forth in every direction, cutting and splashing. Then they started jumping high out of the water. We have seen the youngsters jump, but this time it was full sized dolphins jumping and landing with a huge splash. Several times there were dolphins in a frenzy swimming & spinning in a tight ball just below the surface of the water. Don't know if they were fighting or breeding or what. Then one would jump out of the ball & over the top of the others.

The first bunch were the one's we usually see, which I think are Bottlenose Dolphins. They have a black triangular shaped dorsal fin. The newcomers seemed to have a different shaped dorsal fin. It was more pointed with a small hook on the top and seemed to be a lighter gray color.
So, what do you guys think? Have you seen this kind of activity before? Are the dolphins with the pointed dorsal fin a different species? What in the world were they doing?

Anyway, the show lasted for almost 30 minutes and was unbelievable. I was really sorry I didn't have a video camera. Where was Mark with his camera when you need him!


Sounds like the feeding frenzy we witnessed Easter weekend in Encanto. Lots of sardines and birds were around at the time.