Cutting board material


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
Can anyone tell me if Los Pinos has cutting board material? Jerry is going to make me custom cutting boards for my sinks in the trailer so I can use them for counter space when I am not using the sinks. If not, we'll just bring it down but I want to help support the economy........


You need to specify what type of material you want. You can use any kind of wood, or even plastic. Especially since your application probably wont seen a heavy use as a cutting board. Sounds like what you really want are sink covers but what do I know. I bet GV will chime in here.


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
I'd rather have plastic as wood can be unsanitary. I'll be using them a little as cutting boards as I do cook some when I am there. But I also need the counter space when I am not using the sink...


get the measurement of the sinks then go to target or walmart and buy the nylon cutting boards and cut them to fit, you can use a band saw or a jig saw to cut it, fast, cheap and easy to clean and will not absorve any blood or nasty smells and if you do not like the color you can buy spray paint that adheres to plastic at HD


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
Thanks Ink, I knew that but I'm trying to support the local economy. Jerry's a custom furniture maker so he has all the power tools.....


El Pirata
You will be arrested, deported and banned for life if caught trying to smuggle in cutting board material! Might even do a couple days in the federal holding tank!
You are wrong on sanitation of wood or plastic. As you may know I do wood turning and make usable bowls for food use. I did a little research and found an article about just this question. A university did research and to make a long story short wood kills bacteria and they do not know why. The new white colored cutting boards do in fact do not clean up as well. When we come over for New Years I will try to tell you about it. I have some very nice Masquite slabs and if Jerry will make me a template I will cut and finish what you need.
See you Sat.


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
Thanks, Bill. You rock! I have a template already. The old cutting board that is gross now. See you Sat.!