

Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
I got rear ended yesterday for the 4th time in 7 years. You would think people would see a 7 ft. tall red Jeep! LOL! She bounced off my spare tire. Her little aluminum and plastic car was folded up like an accordion. She said she would deal with it and took off! Probably had a warrant....LOL! I love my spare tire!
Glad you weren't hurt...and almost no damage to your I told you yesterday...I would have gotten her license plate....and nailed her ass for hit and run.....too many people driving irresponsibly, drunk or on drugs.....or texting.....UGH!!! don't get me started on that one....and also don't have insurance!


Sorry to hear about your crash LadyJeeper- was this in Penasco or the States? Good idea about the spare tire as a safety device!
To hell with bumpers....they ought to put tires front and rear on cars....that rotate.....would swing the offending vehicle away!!!:rofl: