Companies Investing in Penasco


"Projected application of more than 50 million pesos

With an estimated investment of between 50 to 60 million dollars (I don't know if they meant pesos as in the title or dollars), and the creation of at least 60 jobs during a first phase, a US “green” company is looking to invest in Puerto Peñasco, stated Mayor Alejandro Zepeda Munro.
The Mayor reported upon this important project after meeting with leaders from the Tuscon based global company Seawater Extraction Technologies, which promotes environmentally friendly projects. The city leader remarked he is in talks with US investors so that the company, which is principally focused on using the sun to extract calcium and magnesium, may be installed by September at the latest. The Mayor remarked that it is undoubtedly a positive sign to see that more and more investors are interested in establishing businesses within the city while creating a large number of jobs, as in the case of this pilot project. The principals of this foreign investment, to be located on an area of 50 hectares, are currently in talks with Mr. Agustín Cortez regarding land."

Here's a Wind Power project (hope it doesn't rust like the smaller ones do):


Considered the key to efficient and cost-effective operation for their processes, Global Seawater Extraction Technologies, LLC (GSET), a Tucson, Arizona based ocean water mining and water production firm, has conditional orders for several Thermalicity co-generation plants and thermal pumping systems. The TRG technology allows GSET to take the water industry to the next level. Rather than being a major power user in producing water, TRG technology allows GSET to become a net power producer. For every one million gallons of potable water produced from seawater, 1.3 MW of additional power is produced. The net unused power, 1.225 MW, will then be sold to the local grid for use by a large mining operation at a rate of $0.125/kWhr. “TRG’s technology reduces the net cost of R.O. production down from the current $0.85-$0.95 per cubic meter range to the point that the water can be sold, at a profit, for 30-40% of the competition’s cost of production.”
interesting...almost sounds to good


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
That is interesting, but I agree with Jerry... sounds kind of like a perpetual motion machine! If they have the technology to pull it off, that's great for both the industry and for Penasco.


Well here's how this works. You take four bottles of beer. Shake one up and look at all the little bubbles. Open the other three and drink them all. Check for bubbles in bottle number 1. If none, open and drink. Then reread the above explanation. The beer will take you to the next level of understanding, producing lots of additional energy. So much energy that you will maybe want another beer while you make the call to buy stock in this company. The with all the profit you will make from the stock you can buy several unfinished condos on Sandy beach, thereby energizing a moribund economy and producing more energy as well. Most of the energy will be produced by the hot air from the sales pitch and some will be produced from burning snake oil.
If it sounds too good to be probably is! There are methods in producing potable water from salt water that are inexpensive in terms of energy costs...but it still one's discovered a perpetual motion machine yet..... psst....I have a bridge for sale in New York City!!!