City Prohibits Pets


El Pirata
Pet owners are obligated to keep their pets within their own properties​
The City prohibits pets without collars and leashes without the presence of
the owner at public areas
such as streets, parks, beaches, plazas or gardens.

Owners are responsible for their pets feces caused by their pets in all areas.

In the event of a physical attack on a person, in a public area or in the
owners or other property, the AC Department, is obligated to keep the dog
in an observation state for a period of 15 days
, EITHER in the animal control
center OR in the owner’s property by a responsible Veterinarian. If an owner
declines to turn over a pet to the City’s AC, the AC could request the use of public
police officers for the application of this law and the owner of the pet causing the

attack will be sanctioned by law (fined