La Comisión Federal de Electricidad hace de tu conocimiento que se han detectado correos electrónicos que circulan por Internet y que invitan a realizar el pago en línea del servicio eléctrico con cargo a tarjeta de crédito o débito -incluso ofreciendo descuentos- para lo que se incluyen vínculos a páginas web fraudulentas, que simulan ser de la CFE
No te dejes sorprender. Estos sitios web son falsos, pretendiendo obtener datos confidenciales como contraseñas y detalles de las tarjetas.
La CFE reitera que los mecanismos para realizar el pago del servicio eléctrico son:
The CFE is informing you that e-mails have been detected that are circulating on the Internet that offer you the possibility of paying your electric bill on-line by charging it to your credit or debit card-including offering discounts-for which they include fraudulent web pages that appear to be from the CFE.
Don't be fooled. These web sites are false, attempting to get confidential details such as your passwords and other credit card information.
The CFE again confirms that the ways to realize your electric payment are:
b. On-Line Pay at the Banks' Sites
To find out the location and more details of these options, go to
No te dejes sorprender. Estos sitios web son falsos, pretendiendo obtener datos confidenciales como contraseñas y detalles de las tarjetas.
La CFE reitera que los mecanismos para realizar el pago del servicio eléctrico son:
- CFEmáticos
- Sucursales bancarias
- Tiendas de autoservicio y de conveniencia autorizadas
- Pago a través de móvil
- Pago electrónico:
- Cargo automático a cuenta de cheques (domiciliación)
- Pago en línea en el portal de los bancos
The CFE is informing you that e-mails have been detected that are circulating on the Internet that offer you the possibility of paying your electric bill on-line by charging it to your credit or debit card-including offering discounts-for which they include fraudulent web pages that appear to be from the CFE.
Don't be fooled. These web sites are false, attempting to get confidential details such as your passwords and other credit card information.
The CFE again confirms that the ways to realize your electric payment are:
- CFE Automatic Tellers
- Bank Branches
- Authorized Self-Serve and Convenience Stores
- Pay by Cell Phone
- Electronic Payment:
b. On-Line Pay at the Banks' Sites
To find out the location and more details of these options, go to