CEDO’s Wet Feet Ocean Summer Camp

Terry C

Young marine biologists can get their feet wet at CEDO’s overnight summer science camp! From hunting in tidepools for purple sea urchins to designing a wetland protection plan to snorkeling with sea lions, kids ages 10 to 13 will love Wet Feet Ocean Camp. CEDO biologists & guides will lead these explorations of the Northern Gulf of California, where CEDO has been working in research & science education since 1980

It takes place June 30 through July 4 at the CEDO Field Station ( in Las Conchas).
It’s for kids 10 through 13, although we could be a little flexible if someone is close to those ages! It’s $415 for 5 days and 4 nights, and includes food, lodging and activities supplies. The camp is packed with lots of hands-on fun learning about the marine life of the estuaries, Sea of Cortez and Sonoran desert.

Attached is a letter of interest and an application form.

Terry C

I have nothing for sale ( Have a business or rental property? Let us know in here!) that would need to be posted in there. CEDO asked me if I would help them with this program as I have in the past with them. General was a fine fit for it i thought.


Piss-poor or not, the Castaways deal is more of a commercial advertisement than what you were nit picking Terry about, and much BIGGER than your post.

Terry C

I don't really want a pissing match here Brandon. I Promote CEDO with every thing they do and send me with what they do. Kenny was only making a point. Drop it and promote CEDO yourself. Get the word out. You have young kids I assume? Send them on the trip of a life time. Thank You.
Due to the size of the font and in bold also makes me feel it is advertising.
Adding links to Penasco Concert and or CEDO activities would not bother me as they are good information.
Advertising goes on the Advertising section


This whole thing started because Brandon thought it was his place to tell Terry that his original post, the one that started this thread was in the wrong category. I simply pointed out to the kid that most every time he posted it was in the wrong category because of he BOLD advertisement that was often bigger than his post on the bottom of his page. At first he minimized it by saying it wasn't really advertising, at least no good advertising. Brandon did get it to some extent though, because not only did he "snip" his snippy remarks, he took off the click link on his advertisements.


I think that in the case that you are just walking down the street and then realised that the wall was painted in the color not necesary the same style at what was on the big was the lapels in the coat wore by the real lady of the moon coming between the lines of the script where the profets wrote when the walls started to tumble under the stress the comedian found himself nobody could have jump that high with those shoes color blue and the vegetation come up to the largest poole to the sky full of stars and the ocean was open to be discovered the different speicies of arachniids, understand? DO YOU WANT YOUR VINE OR NOT??


I think that in the case that you are just walking down the street and then realised that the wall was painted in the color not necesary the same style at what was on the big was the lapels in the coat wore by the real lady of the moon coming between the lines of the script where the profets wrote when the walls started to tumble under the stress the comedian found himself nobody could have jump that high with those shoes color blue and the vegetation come up to the largest poole to the sky full of stars and the ocean was open to be discovered the different speicies of arachniids, understand? DO YOU WANT YOUR VINE OR NOT??

Too much Tequila last night ??!!?? Gracias, pero no necissito vino, pero necissito pagar.
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El Pirata
Roberto, I understand when u write in spanish, puro humo was really good, que is what, quen is who, pedo is fart, peda is after the fact, hung over, pedo is when u are out of control while drinking. I was going to ask inka to write it in Spanish, but i don't think it really matters. Pedo has more than 1 meaning.
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:lol::lol:Ink does not speak Mexican. El es del sur. Just look at that gibberish in his last post !!! And he sent me an e-mail that was even worse. :eek:

My understanding is that is slang for 'Who farted" but I've been wrong before. In Albuquerque North Valley Hispanics often did not fully understand South Valley Hispanics when they spoke. My limited Spanish is a mixture of Mexican and New Mexican with a little Tewa thrown in and an occasional confabulation in German !!
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