Bus robbed last week


El Pirata
Assaulted bus to Rocky Point, came from Hermosillo Around 21:30 pm assaulted the passengers daily Albatros circulating numbered A28-Puerto Peñasco to Hermosillo just 10 km before reaching Pesquei station

PGR reported that three men riding as passengers from Hermosillo suddenly pulled out guns and robbed of all their belongings around 40 people traveling in the bus. Passengers were forced to hand over cash, jewelry, cell phones and bags hand, though they failed to injure any of the victims after they were ordered to be kept his face hidden in asientoa as they descended into the darkness of the road after commanding the bus driver to stop the march. This passengers now among those affected will find ten caborquenses are being cared for by federal authorities at the level of the community of Fisheries and where they are asked to come to lodge a complaint with the public prosecutor in the city of Hermosillo. Source : Caborca Ariete

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They have wifi on those that could have been used to send a panic alarm.
to bad they did not have a camera of people getting on and off
I was contemplating taking a bus to some destinations in Mexico. After reading this I will only drive. You are basically a sitting duck on a bus. There are more people to rob, and the robbers are already on the bus. Car jacking is more risky from the robbers point of view.