I've got a hand painted shell and a big blue dolphin that Victor did for me 20 years ago. When I get Smugglers Cove back up and running, the dolphin's going back up on the patio. It says "Casa de Amigos Borrachos" on it. LOL! I couldn't afford any of his work now............
``` "Casa de Amigos Borrachos " ``` Cute, but if that is true we can't come visit, ``` cause I don't drink,
``` "I couldn't afford any of his work now.............. " ``` sure you could, ``` just tell him that you are a very, very, good friend of mine, & I sent you, ``` Victor & I go back a long way, ``` that painting on boat & a lot of the things he did for me, he wouldn't take any $$$ from me ```