Average monthly Electricity Costs


I'm seriously considering the purchase of a 2 bed/bath condo on Sandy Beach for retirement living but cannot seem to find the average utility costs per month for the Rocky Point area. I believe water is covered by the HOA and Gas is not available.

I live in Phoenix, AZ and understand Summer will be much higher due to A/C costs. Does someone have some average expected monthly High costs for Summer and then the Lower costs for the cooler Winter months.

How about High Speed Internet monthly costs?

Many Thanks in advance,

El Gato

From our recent experience it is REALLY difficult to figure out a budget for electricity! Our winter bill showed a little less usage (we never turned on the heater) and ended up a few dollars more then the previous bill that had higher KWhs. Then CFE checked the meter - said it was ok. Just received our latest bill and it was lower Kwh although our usage hadn't really changed and showed considerably less then previous two bills.

If anyone has a good way to figure it out and budget for it would appreciate it too. No idea what summer is going to do to us if we run the A/C.


el problema esta en la eficiencia de el leedor de los medidores de mantener los apartamentos con los correspondientes medidores, a lo mejor el mes pasado tu pagaste la cuenta del vecino y este mes estas pagando la cuenta del otro vecino o la tuya quien sabe??
En mi opinion, estarias mejor si te compras una casa donde todo este en tu nombre y asi lo puedes controlar mejor, pero como ustedes dicen: Then again.......:-o

PD: el corrector de ortografia no fue utilizado en este mensaje!!
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dry heat

Pigeon coup coordinator
.. locals pay much less than Tourists (AKA Carpet baggers) Rates are structured by ability to pay. Americans usually are at the top tier. You subsidize locals.

Rock on. :cluck:
Really?????? You really believe that is how cfe sets up their rates? Really??? Cfe has a system to determine tourists vs locals. Americans are at the top of their rate chart? Hmmm, well if you say so.


lo que me llama la atencion es como te obligan a pagar el balance que el inquilino anterior dejo!!! en otras palabras cuando vayan ha comprar una casa/condo o lo que sea asegurense que no hay un saldo pendiente!!! que es muy facil solo tienes que ir a la oficina de CFE y darles la direccion, que con suerte sabes con exactitud cual es!! :hairout::hairout::hairout::hairout:


AKA Carnac
Dry Heat, the government subsidize's our electric bill, I think 6 months out of the year. They take 1/3 off the total bill for us in the ejido. In Las Conchas we never had any discounts. I think the normal rate is about 18 cents a kilowatt.
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dry heat

Pigeon coup coordinator
So is the subsidy based on location or nationality? The 1st comment about it made it sounds like nationals in mexico regardless of locations receive a subsidy and americans regardless of location pay the highest rate? So does a mexican living in las conchas or sandy beach get a subsidy? What is considered a "local" and is the subsidy available in all areas to so called "locals". My previous post was meant to gain clarity on the subject.


AKA Carnac
... the way the Coops are structured they have no way to escape the trap of HOA, Local surcharges, Local unions, Local by laws; with a local economy that earns minimum wage of ? 60$ week. And RP is has the highest of pay scale in Mexico. Local economy can not support 600$ maintenance fees. ??? Why is it so hard to understand that Coops where given a dream to investors that did not exist. So unless RP can attract the "yups" from Phoenix to support the Coops, it is just a matter of time.
Like my friend Rigo, owner of Los Pinos said last year when he came back from vacation in Cuba, the condos on Sandy Beach could someday house the poor just like the old American buildings do now in Cuba.
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AKA Carnac
.. I think pricing on nationality would be illegal... it is based on location but what RP native would live in Las Palomas? The same How many local live in las Conchas? So the RE in Las Conchas and las Palomas Pay 300% higher than residents of local RP... Yes?
It is on location. Wahoo I think there is a big difference in rates where there are non Mexicans. My power in Lagrimas runs about 800 to 1000 pesos every 2 months. I also have high seer heat pumps on the house that help alot. Roberto sold one of our houses in Las Conchas to a guy that told me he couldn't hardly afford to rent the place anymore because the electricity bills were killing him.
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AKA Carnac
We as in people that live in an ejido are looked at by the Mexican government as poor people or farmers and I think they subsidize us to keep us from dying of heat exhaution in the summer.

dry heat

Pigeon coup coordinator
.. locals pay much less than Tourists (AKA Carpet baggers) Rates are structured by ability to pay. Americans usually are at the top tier. You subsidize locals. Dry Heat, you have allot to learn..... your bill is intermingled with other of DryHeap... and yes your rate is not the local rate.
I hate being a smart ass, so I hope you can correct where I am wrong and the reason why I asked for clarity in your original comment....
On a CFE bill:
The "Tarifa" is the category of your service. This is important, as this determines what rate schedule is used by CFE to assess your usage.

"Hilos": If you have a "1" in this category, you have single-phase service and only receive 110 service. If you have a "2" in this category, you have two-phase service and have 220 service (necessary for air conditioners or any other 220 appliance). A "3" in this category is...get ready for it...three-phase service.

Your electricity usage is assessed in 3 categories:
"Basico": This is the basic rate for the first amount of kWh consumed.
"Intermedio": This is rate, higher than the basic rate, for the second amount of kWh consumed.
"Excedente": When you have used more electricity than the Basico and Intermedio thresholds, the balance of your consumption is charged at this level -- the most expensive of the 3 categories.
How many kWh's are in each category and what are the rates? Your "Tarifa" will dictate how many kWh's you are allotted in each category and the prices. These prices and thresholds can change seasonally.

"Aportación Gubernamental": This is the amount of government subsidy that is credited toward the amount owed. Yes, us Americans and tourists in Sandy beach receive this on our CFE account.
"Energía": This is the total due, after the government subsidy.

Wahoo, please feel free to correct any part of this that I have wrong and let me know if rates are structred based on ability to pay and if "americans and carpet baggers" are at the top of the rate tier and if locals are the only ones that are subsidized. I have a lot to learn and wanted to make sure I have this right.


Just plan on $50 a month for electrcity for a condo. Some months will be higher...some will be lower. We own several condos around town and on the beach and budget $50 per month. We have never been disappointed!


AKA Carnac
Dry Heat, I will pull one of my bills and apart from Aportacion Gubernamental there is also one more discount. If you read your bill you will see the cost to generate the electricity you used. They do this at a huge loss from what I can tell and that may be your aportacion.Yes there are three levels and when you reach the third level its a killer.

dry heat

Pigeon coup coordinator
My info for a 2000 sq ft unit at Las Palomas
11.18.10 - 01.19.11 1104 kwh $155.10 Promedio diario 17.80
09.15.10 - 11.18.10 2080 kwh $213.85 Promedio diario 32.50
07.19.10 - 09.15.10 4550 kwh $482.00 Promedio diario 78.44
5th wheel in Plya De Oro Monthly rent about $ 460.00 includes water, electric , sewer, taxes and internet. You can keep your Condos. And by the way no Condo fees.


AKA Carnac
Lot in Lopez couple hundred feet from the ocean, no obstructed veiws, small down payment,150.00 monthly 2 170 watt solar panels, a bank of batteries, property tax about 12 dollars a year and not crammed in like a can of sardines. Plus no hoa, just like RP should be and if you dont like your neighbor just beat the hell out of him, like the old days. FYI I have wanted a condo in Phoenix for about 5 or 6 years and could never justify the price, I finally closed on 1 a month ago $10,500.00 a 1 bdrm,thats the problem with Rocky Point no more milking home equities to buy dreams.
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I just spoke to a fellow who ownes about 5 blocks North of PDO and his bill averages less than $ 50.00 per month all winter He is here about 7 months a year. Water is $ 130.00 per year and he did say he heats with propane but did not know what it cost him. A few dollars and a little time would make a solar heat panel that should keep the home warm all winter.


Lovin it in RP!
I have a 2400 sq ft home in town that runs about 250 for 2 months, we keep it comfortable. I dont think the statement that americans pay more is a true statement. We use more than our neighbors but when I compare my bill to Ficos across the street the KW charge is the same I just use a lot more.